Makes sense. EB should have included that bd thumper with this guy, but not a deal breaker.
Those close up shots really show off the details of the hs. Very nice. 

Surprisingly to myself I actually prefer the stock paint on the endo-parts. Not that you haven't done a great job r5150s, you have - again just a personal preferance thing. Great pics.
How satisfying to now have a Terminator figure where, yes, quite honestly, you cannot seem to make it look bad. From afar or right up close the figure is a pure win.
They're good so far. I've got mine holding up the M79 no problem. I think they may have fixed that issue too.
thanks man..still on the fence with the thumper..I want to secure an extra one before I mod the one I have..
Surprisingly to myself I actually prefer the stock paint on the endo-parts.
I wouldn't call it surprising, as much as you and I look for being faithful to the film, the Endo parts weren't as shiny in T2 as T1, people may want really cromed up bits, but from what I've seen in photos, the stock paint is actually perfect for matching the movie.
EB's damage endo arm is not really accurate too..not saying mine is but if I see a more clear reference for it..I'll try to get as close as possible..
I think it looks different from one shot to another. You could match your figure to one shot but not another. What you've done looks great.
beautiful Pizza!
man, you just cannot take a bad picture of this thing can you!:
Damn those pics are phenomenal Pizza, best pics so far. This figure is 10+/10.
thank you very much peoples![]()
My favorite one of the bunch, great pics pizza!
My favorite one of the bunch, great pics pizza!
Come on Enterbay!! Tis now the 14th. Officially the middle of Jan.