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  1. Lord Vicious


    Re: Iron Man Mark VII - Modded Eye + Mouth Faceplate! (Update on Page 28) Hi mate, don't forget to put my name in the list for batch 4. I sent full payment some days ago. Thanks!
  2. Lord Vicious


    Re: Iron Man Mark VII - Modded Eye + Mouth Faceplate! Full payment sent for 1 faceplate/eye piece. Thanks for doing this, mate!
  3. Lord Vicious


    Re: Iron Man Mark VII/MIDAS - Modded Eye + Mouth Faceplate + Clear Eye Piece! Put me down for a faceplate as well!
  4. Lord Vicious

    Eddard Stark & Jon Snow sculpts

    Not mine, but I thought I'd share them:
  5. Lord Vicious

    WTB: Hot Toys Dutch Schaefer

    Anybody got a reasonably priced HT Dutch? Or perhaps some leftover loose parts, like the camo shirt and the grenade vest? Please let me know! :wave
  6. Lord Vicious

    Looking for ht dx 10 hair piece

    Thanks mate! :hi5:
  7. Lord Vicious

    Looking for Ht Godfather parts

    Still looking...
  8. Lord Vicious

    Michael Fassbender HS?

    Yup, used this headsculpt for a Magneto custom...
  9. Lord Vicious

    Maximus: Final Battle/Carthage armor.

    That is an awesome collection, gotham! Got any more pics of that Commodus?
  10. Lord Vicious

    1/6 DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics

    Oh man, basically, I'm screwed :lol Damn Arnie with his loose hair... :thud:
  11. Lord Vicious

    1/6 DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics

    Ok, this is a bit stupid, but I lost the damn detachable hair piece of the dx10 head :gah: Anybody know where I could get a replacement maybe? :monkey3
  12. Lord Vicious

    Looking for ht dx 10 hair piece

    Ok, this is a bit stupid, but I lost the detachable hair piece from my dx10 Arnie head :gah: Is there any way somebody has a spare? Pm me :wave
  13. Lord Vicious

    WTB: ht t1000 police uniform

    Anybody got a loose uniform set for the ht t1000? Pm me! :wave
  14. Lord Vicious

    Looking for Ht Godfather parts

    Pm sent...
  15. Lord Vicious

    Looking for Ht Godfather parts

    Anybody got a loose godfather suit or a pair of hands? Let me know :wave
  16. Lord Vicious

    Custom Walter White + extra's

    Sorry mate, but this is long sold I'm afraid :wave
  17. Lord Vicious


    Re: Skiman's Custom Workshop [Sculpting, Painting, Modding, etc...] You know nothing, Jon Snow... :panic:
  18. Lord Vicious

    Looking for a HT Iron Man body

    Anybody got a loose HT Iron Man body (no head); mark IV, VI or VII? contact me please! :wave
  19. Lord Vicious

    FS: Everything MUST go!1/6 LOTR Fellowship, Figure Cases and Anime Figures

    Re: Need funds for an Engagement Ring; everything MUST go! Pm sent on dude...