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FS: Everything MUST go!1/6 LOTR Fellowship, Figure Cases and Anime Figures

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Jan 26, 2006
Reaction score
After thinking about it long and hard, I've decided to sell practically all of my collection. It wasn't an easy decision but some things are more important than toys.:lol

I will post pictures in the coming days. Feel free to PM with any questions. I have perfect feedback here and on eBay. First pay, first serve. I don't want to hold onto items for people unless we do a financing deal.

Prices include shipping and paypal fees within the US. International will be more.


LOTR pieces:--Taking best offers for the entire set or individual items.

Aragorn: Sosa headsculpt; new body; painted and weathered by Elvis--
Boromir: Painted by Small_studios; new body; weathered by Elvis--
Gimli: modified body by Pixletwin; head and armor by Entropy; painted by Elvis; weathered by Elvis--
Faramir: new body; painted and weatherd by Elvis--
Legolas: custom Darren Carnal headsculpt painted by FigureMasterLes; new body--
Gandalf: painted by FigureMasterLes
Frodo: Painted by Kuato; custom ring by Entropy; weathered by Elvis--
Sam; Painted by Kuato; weathered by Elvis--
Pippin: Painted by Elvis; customized clothed dyed and produced by Pixletwin; weathered by Elvis--
Merry: same as Pippin--


The Dude-$300 [Original sculpt by Rainman painted by Ven; custom bathrobe; ACI body without knee joinds; fat suit, shirt and sandels]

3.Lisa Simpson bust--$24 shipped

5.Tony Meis TDKR cape--$55 shipped

Set #2---$15 shipped


-Decals by EvilFace--$3 ea. [Big Lebowski, Raiders of the Lost Arc] [sold to Karamazov80]
-Braveheart Mel Gibson- $750 [one of a kind custom made by dchung] [sold to stateofqatar]
-Maximus-$450 [fully painted custom by Spenser][sold to stateofqatar]
-Indiana Jones-$450 [PF sculpt shrunken, cut, sanded and painted; HT Ezio body; Mfisher belt, holster, bag and whip; HT clothes][sold to mightyq]
-Weathered DX Joker Coat-$50 shipped [sold to Lord Vicious]
-Neo by Iminime- $500 [comes with 2 uzis]----[sold to Snake Eater]
-HT 1989 Batman DX- $280 [complete with original packaging and extra custom stand and TonyMeis custom cape]--[sold to sallah]
-Imaresqe Bruce Wayne-$300[original sculpt painted by Ven; Kato shirt and tie; triad toys suit; ACI shoes and HT TT Advance body]--[Sold to BJJFighter]
-Lawrence of Arabia-$300 [Trevor Grove sculpt; fully painted; knife, gun, belt and head piece by Bernard][Sold to JeffTVR]
-Mal Reynolds-$500 [Trevor Grove sculpt and boots fully painted][sold to collector_kyle]
-Set #1---$30 shipped--[Sold to cofphoto
-D. Craig as James Bond--$150 shipped [Imaresq headsculpt...shrunken to proper size; Saturday toys black suit with white shirt; grey tie; ACI black shoes; gun; Narrow type body (joints are loose)]--[Sold to BJJFighter]
-Iminime Cowboy sculpt with Poncho, vest, boots, belt and holster--$340 shipped [sold to The Skull]

Sold on eBay:

-SS 12” Obi-Wan excl-$150 [Comes with Fat suit, original accessories and packaging minus the stand]
-SS 12” Palpatine excl from Epi 6-$100 [complete with box minus the stand]
-HT T-800- $280 [includes DX glasses and black t-shirt]
-Jason Bourne-$150'SS 12” Jedi Luke Skywalker-$150 [custom painted head; Narrow type body; custom robe; comes with all original packaging and accessories (minus the stand)]
ANH Obi-Wan light saber from Katkaru-$70 shipped
MRM Laughing Joker head--$80shipped[includes knife, HT DX socks and 3 gloved hands]-[sold on ebay]
2. Samurai Seven anime figures [complete set]--$50 shipped
4.HT Indiana Jones accessories--$60 shipped

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Re: Need funds for an Engagement Ring; everything MUST go!

Another one bites the dust. :lol

Good luck.
Re: Need funds for an Engagement Ring; everything MUST go!

Wow these figures sound nice! Excited for pictures and subscribed :)
Re: Need funds for an Engagement Ring; everything MUST go!

Noooooooooo, there's still time to back out. It's technically only a piece of paper buddy.

A moment of silence for a fallen comrade
Re: Need funds for an Engagement Ring; everything MUST go!

Any more info on the LOTR figures you're selling? :)
Re: Need funds for an Engagement Ring; everything MUST go!

Having been married for 20+ years, keep the collection. :monkey3