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  1. Eukalyptus

    Hot Toys - TMS033 & TMS034 - The Mandalorian: Boba Fett (Regular and Deluxe versions)

    This set is one of the most amazing, yet most discounted ones. It‘s baffling. Good for everyone who wants one. Or two, or…
  2. Eukalyptus

    1/6 Hot Toys -TMS056 - The Mandalorian: Boba Fett and Throne (REPAINT ARMOR)

    Doing the same thing right now, but more in line with the art. Waiting on Repaint Boba and Jango‘s cummerbund to arrive.
  3. Eukalyptus

    1/6 NEXT Hot Toys STAR WARS Figure...?

    The flamethrower and rocket are the only redeeming qualities. The materials used are just subpar. The chestplates are atrocious. Also the helmet needs to be much, much wider.
  4. Eukalyptus

    1/6 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: ROTJ - Boba Fett

    Hope for improved (helmet!), but I guess it‘ll be the same.
  5. Eukalyptus

    1/6 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: ROTJ - Boba Fett

    I know it‘s been a while, but could you (or anyone really) collaborate what what used on what and how good it fit? Still looking to modify my regular RotJ Fett with a more fitting helmet and not use the ESB one.
  6. Eukalyptus

    1/6 NEXT Hot Toys STAR WARS Figure...?

    Still waiting on the inevitable Boba Fett Prototype Armor announcement… Sideshow’s version just isn’t up to par. A concept version would also be nice.
  7. Eukalyptus

    1/6 Hot Toys - TMS 078 - The Book of Boba Fett: Boba Fett

    Man I hate these flight stands. First the sand base invasion, now this… Just go back to the crotch grabber HT. Or include both.
  8. Eukalyptus

    1/6 Sideshow Mythos Boba Fett Figure.

    40th Boba without the fat suit.
  9. Eukalyptus

    1/6 Sideshow Mythos Boba Fett Figure.

    Got my Mythos Boba today, and immediately switched the body as well as helmet, cummerbund and boots (Sideshow‘s just don‘t fit). Night and day.
  10. Eukalyptus

    Hot Toys - TMS033 & TMS034 - The Mandalorian: Boba Fett (Regular and Deluxe versions)

    So after a few years of absence, I dove in again, sold Uncle Fester and began to regret that 😅 I‘ll be on the lookout again ^^ This set was way low on my list, but in hand it is fantastic! Wish the helmet would be wider, though, but all of HT‘s RotJ helmets are this way. At least there‘s...
  11. Eukalyptus

    1/6 Hot Toys - TMS 010 - The Mandalorian: Heavy Infantry Mandalorian aka Paz Vizla

    I know that. The figure is deeper than the base. Combined with the attachment from jetpack to gun, there?s simply no room. I?ll take pics later.
  12. Eukalyptus

    1/6 Hot Toys - TMS 010 - The Mandalorian: Heavy Infantry Mandalorian aka Paz Vizla

    Die cast isn?t a necessity, just a bonus. The base annoys me. It?s too small for such a chunky figure. Even in a Museum pose, the rod would have to be severely bent to even have the slightest chance of being usable.
  13. Eukalyptus

    1/6 Hot Toys - TMS 010 - The Mandalorian: Heavy Infantry Mandalorian aka Paz Vizla

    Paintjob, construction, how good he is to handle, coolness factor etc. Got him mainly because he?s the SW equivalent of War Machine. That and because he?s voiced by Jon Favreau. For a 10/10 he would have needed a bigger base, switch out support stands (dynamic for flying and regular for...
  14. Eukalyptus

    Hot Toys - MMS 463/464 - The Empire Strikes Back: Boba Fett 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

    Is this still about the HT figure or is this thread off to the Unknown Regions?
  15. Eukalyptus

    Arc Clone Troopers: Echo and Fives Sixth Scale Figures

    Got one from ebay for the same price as Echo. Now to wait how much customs will be.
  16. Eukalyptus

    Arc Clone Troopers: Echo and Fives Sixth Scale Figures

    The ARC Troopers have a beefy presence, as they should (going with the Traviss Mando canon for my collection). The figures themselves hold up very well. Looking at HT Cody in comparison, he looks skinny and feebly. The price is hefty for sure, but I can?t see HT tackling them. That being...
  17. Eukalyptus

    Arc Clone Troopers: Echo and Fives Sixth Scale Figures

    I?m looking for Fives. If anyone could point me to someone who wants to sell theirs, it?d be greatly appreciated. Trier eBay, but none would ship to Germany and I won?t pay 1000+
  18. Eukalyptus

    1/6 Hot Toys MMS - Star Wars: Episode II AOTC - Jango Fett

    Finally! 3 for me 8) Wait, I just noticed they didn?t show the base! I have a bad feeling about this...