Hot Toys - MMS 463/464 - The Empire Strikes Back: Boba Fett 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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My assertion that maybe he likes working in teams is not made up at all, it is referencing his storylines in the Clone Wars series where he does so more than once. In one set of episodes he is working alongside Aurra Sing and Bossk for example. It is therefore much more of a stretch to describe him as a loner based on the screen depictions of Fett. Only EU backs up that interpretation of Fett's character. Nothing in the OT explicitly shows that.

Do people here not watch and accept the fleshing out of Boba in the Clone Wars series? He does not read like the character many are describing here.

When I saw him in Mando his behaviour didn't strike me as odd at all, so I'm just wondering if most commenting are not as familiar with his other storylines and his greater character development in Clone Wars?

See going by TCW I totally get why you'd have no problem with Marvel "Team Up" Boba. :) I recently binged the entire TCW series and do remember him teaming up with Aurra Sing and others very well. IIRC he even showed apprehension about killing certain individuals that his more ruthless teammates had no such qualms regarding. So yes that too is a different Fett than what we saw in the OT. Which is why many of us outright dismissed it. :)

Speaking "canonically" you are indeed 100% correct that Mando Fett isn't too much of a leap from AOTC/TCW/OT SE Fett. I don't think any of us old timers would dispute that. I think that many of us were just hoping that Mando Fett would represent a continuation of his more nasty OT self rather than a return to the more noble/obedient TCW/OT SE version. Again if you go by *just the films* then even the wretched AOTC supports the notion that he's always been quite the *******! A little kid laughing with glee at the attempted murder of a Jedi just doing his job? What a punk! The last thing I want to do is give AOTC props for anything (lol) but even that film showcased him to be quite the jerk.
My assertion that maybe he likes working in teams is not made up at all, it is referencing his storylines in the Clone Wars series where he does so more than once. In one set of episodes he is working alongside Aurra Sing and Bossk for example. It is therefore much more of a stretch to describe him as a loner based on the screen depictions of Fett. Only EU backs up that interpretation of Fett's character. Nothing in the OT explicitly shows that.

Do people here not watch and accept the fleshing out of Boba in the Clone Wars series? He does not read like the character many are describing here.

When I saw him in Mando his behaviour didn't strike me as odd at all, so I'm just wondering if most commenting are not as familiar with his other storylines and his greater character development in Clone Wars?

I'll raise my hand and say "no". I've never heard a single person say anything bad about it, but i've no interest. Maybe i'm strictly looking at this conversation from an artist's point of view in a time capsule, seeing others' comments. I guess i don't explicitly enjoy the idea of fleshing things out - like with predator and aliens. Everything in SW is derivative of the OT. Shooting ESB, ROtJ wasn't done being written - who the writers/directors/performers/props/costumers/concept artists collaboratively created in ESB was a loose amalgamation of a character, of who THEY intended them to be, and every set of artists adds to the story as we go along. There's something about the perfect storm of talent that goes into "birthing" an iconic character that enthralls me. The original flash of lightning, what were their originators hinting at through their work - who was boba fett to his "parents" in this world. It wasn't just lucas or kershner or johnston, it was this group of people that each contributed a spark for this frankenstein. Their brilliance is what i continuously love to poke at, to find out more about and to understand. Beyond that, as a story, the grand play of star wars goes... I guess i'm not nearly as interested as i am in the "why's" behind it's history-making mark on popular culture, and what led to that. ESB was the most anticipated film of the OT, riding off ANH, and Fett was the bridge for that, he was the only preview a rabid public got. I think that transcends him, like the main cast, from being merely a character toma pop-cultural notable. It's cool that everyone can take SW into their lives in different ways and get enjoyment out of it. A lot of us are so passionate from our POV that we wear it like blinders. I own that, although i didn't think about it before getting into this examination of "who is fett?" (as if there were one answer). Turns out there's a lot more wards and wings and community rooms in "boba fett's home for the fictionally insane" than i imagined, looking over my "the making of" library POV.
Ramatuelle, So.......your version of boba fett is the version in non-canonical expanded universe. You know that doesn't make it the "accurate" interpretation though right? Those stories are null and void now.

Filoni and Favreaus isn't based in detail on that, neither does it specifically contradict anything that actually still IS canon.

Now the Mandalorian version of Fett is the canon character. People can choose to dwell on a version of Fett that no longer exists (it's a free world), or a perceived Fett that was based on personal opinion, but the Fett on screen is THE official version of the character.

I can understand wanting to ignore a new iteration of characters, in my mind the sequel trilogy definitely doesn't exist.

Who said I wanted to ignore the version of Fett shown in "Mandalorian"? I certainly dont wish to ignore him, I like him a lot.

What kind of gets me is people in essence stating that "EU is invalid, but my version is totally valid." I am speaking in general, not really specifically aiming this at you. OK, just KEEP IN MIND that Filoni/Favreau in one fell swoop just eradicated a centerpost of "Clone Wars" fundamentalist argument: that Jango and Boba "are not Mandalorians." Almec lied? He MIGHT have lied? NO WAY, HE DID NOT LIE, Jango and Boba are not Mandalorians, hahahaha! Take that!

HAHA indeed OOPS what was "canon" today can be non-canon tomorrow and people would do well to remember it. So you may as well build your own version of canon.

When I saw him in Mando his behavior didn't strike me as odd at all, so I'm just wondering if most commenting are not as familiar with his other storylines and his greater character development in Clone Wars?

Here is the problem: I find the "Clone Wars" cartoon unwatchable - sorry, I just do, I can tolerate the occasional YouTube snippet but that is it. This drives "Clone Wars" fundamentalists crazy, but just remember that Disney does what they want and to whom they want.

Just ask Almec.
Another great example: the "canon" version of Dengar is now the absolutely INFURIATING devolution of Dengar into "Rothgar Deng." I want to spit fire every time I see him, it just makes me so angry that Disney would do that.

Or lightsaber-tossing Luke. This is "canon." Yeah, ok..... not to me, Luke would never do that in one million years.
I think you have all pretty much covered the salient points now.......a lot of you are saying that you base your personal interpretation of Fett based on the stories that exist that support your view of the character, be that EU stories, basing Fett only on OT and ignoring subsequent films/cartoons, or just on a personal view of how the character should behave.

What there is no real argument for is what constitutes canon, but what most comments since my last comment seem to indicate is that you don't always want to recognise or even like what canon dictates.

I don't take issue with that, whatever floats your boat if you are enjoying yourself, personally I could never recognise what was supposed to be Han, Luke and Leia in the sequel trilogy (when its non-Lucas star wars i do find it very easy to ignore), they do not behave at all like I believe the characters from the OT would behave, but it is problematic to outright dismiss the development of Fett through AOTC and Clone Wars and then infer that the Fett of The Mandalorian doesn't meet your expectations (when your personal take on the character disregard those stories). I suppose if their had been a lot of Lucas-Star Wars somehow showing how Luke became that character in Last jedi I may have an easier time with it, but there isn't, so it's just a quantum leap character change that I can't reconcile. I don't even want to.

If they had portrayed a Fett that didn't match the character that has grown since 1983, through "Lucas" Star Wars, then that would have been incredibly jarring for the audience who have followed him all these years.
Or perhaps they are just a little more easy going?

I've really enjoyed it, its been a lot of fun after several years of me having no fun with Star Wars.

As for whether it contradicts OT, well, nothing that I have seen in the Mandalorian directly contradicts any Fett lore from the first 6 films or from Clone Wars ( the ****y trapped Jango helmet could be very easily explained), maybe it will if you believe that you have some special insight into the characters personality, but that would firmly be personal opinion. The fact that some see it one way and others don't is evidence enough of that.

The biggest problem is that there are always people in any fandom that believe that they know everything about their chosen subject and that they are the bible, absolute, infallible. I get that when it comes to some specifics, but not on a judgement call on the perceived personality of a character based on interpretations of their behaviour in a couple of scenes. That is entirely in the area of personal opinion and conjecture.

Anyway, i had no intention of getting sucked into one of these "fan-debates" that invariably go nowhere or worse still just end up with people name calling. I came here to check out and assess the Empire Boba figure!

You're missing the point of the memo though. The issue I have is that - like the old saying that the easiest way to elevate yourself is to tear others down - a lot of this new SW attempts (both through fan activity/discussion and official/unofficial statements by studio/filmmakers/actors) to slyly position itself as "improved" versions of the OT, or making up for serious OT lapses.

Like Vader really did nothing in the OT (as Khev alluded to earlier) until he went postal in RO, or Fett is nothing more than an extra in a cool outfit who just stands there (and now that's finally been remedied with a "real character" Boba,) or GL made a racist mistake by portraying the Tuskens as desert savages and Mando is finally making amends for that (there were at least two major articles that suggested this - and, as seen above, changing their Tusken entry officially says it all) or we needed a strong female lead or black hero in the ST because that was absent in the OT.

Your point seems to be "you're resistant to something new" but in these cases that's not what's going on. This is about trying to denigrate the OT in a sly, backhanded way, even though they will say all day long how much they revere it. This undermines my enjoyment of the OT, and questions me personally if I don't agree with it, even though for the most part it's garbage.

Mando is like RO - it works really well because it's set "inside" the OT. RO being within a week of ANH and Mando within a few years of ROTJ. That's very telling - that the new SW that works best is the stuff that shares the most story universe/timeline DNA (not to mention iconic hardware and costumes) with the OT. All I'm saying is respect that AND the people who love the OT - go ahead and create something "New" (with yet another trip to Tatooine and Mos Eisley and the ANH cantina while dealing with Tuskens and Jawas and sandcrawlers and EV-9D9s and Banthas and Dewbacks and ***ing Kenner Imperial Troop Transporters while you're at it:lol) and be happy with that.

Don't say you're improving on that boring mannequin OT Boba Fett and making up for OT racist insults toward the marginalized indigenous first nations people of Tatooine while you're doing it.:dunno:lecture
With all due respect, you are completely missing my point.

I'm referencing George Lucas written continuity from an almost 20 year old film and a decade old animation, not the modern Disney stuff that you are referring to. This is not post Lucas Star Wars. I have been consistently talking about Attack of the Clones and Clone Wars, both of which significantly predate the Disney deal. Boba fett is a Lucas character and I would defer to Lucas as being the bible on his behaviour and motivations, not other peoples interpretations or expanded universe fiction.

If you think I'm a Disney star wars fan, you are misreading me, i am most certainly not. I can live without all Disney Star wars from Rebels, to rogue one, to the sequels. It's been a revelation to me to finally enjoy some of their output. I like the Mandalorian, that is the exception. I believe the reason for that is Filoni and Favreau, who (to date) have displayed total respect for the source.

I believe Filoni and Favreau are referencing the same source material that I am (obviously since Filoni was directly involved in Boba's extended stories along side Lucas). As a continuation of the established Lucas Fett stories, the Mandalorian is in keeping with the character.

I think you may be having a different argument.
Lucas made all kinds of terrible decisions all on his own before Disney was on the horizon. Boba's "characterization" or even inclusion, in AOTC being a perfect example.
Talibane, i'm an outfielder grabbing your pitch. Zed, lucas sent boba akimbo into the sarlaac becuase he was just a story device to him. Say it ain't so! Doesn't lucas sign off on everything before the disney deal? That has to be exhausting. Like signing 200-page long autographs. The horror.
Is this still about the HT figure or is this thread off to the Unknown Regions?

I caved in and pre-ordered this! Can't wait to have both pre-pro and screen used versions on display (there we go, back on track m8)

Just PO'd this figure. Honestly I didn't really care about Boba and Jango Fett until the Mandalorian series. Gonna also get Jango once I receive another $25 off code. I already have both Mandalorian figures on PO too. Looking forward on seeing a Hot Toys Mandalorian Boba Fett.
I caved in and pre-ordered this! Can't wait to have both pre-pro and screen used versions on display (there we go, back on track m8)


Bruh, you have posted an on-topic post here and I'm here to tell you that ain't how we do things around here. We speculate and go parsecs off course discussing this, that and the other thing: This Is The Way.

Im about to pay this figure off myself, and cant wait to get him. Hopefully he'll be less twitchy than Cody is. Cody is beautiful and I am delighted to have him, but he does not make it easy for you.
I caved in and pre-ordered this! Can't wait to have both pre-pro and screen used versions on display (there we go, back on track m8)


You can't display them both with this set (it's kinda "one and a half" figures) - it's an either-or deal.
You can't display them both with this set (it's kinda "one and a half" figures) - it's an either-or deal.

..excellent point - I forgot to mention that I already own the first release. Love it so much, but hate the effort needed to switch its costume about, so I'm getting a second.
I POd this a few weeks ago. I’m planning a nice Mando display. Too bad Jango is so far off:gah:
Can’t wait for HT to tackle chapter 15 Boba.
Tempted to order this in about 40 days once my sideshow points mature since they’re expiring points after 12 months.
What are the odds we get a new helmet sculpt for the Mando Boba? I don't want to be a pessimist but the fact they re-used the ESB bucket for the Death Watch mando figure has me doubting they'll put in the effort.