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  1. Eukalyptus

    Me wee little collection

    "Glass" collection :monkey3 I still have to take somewhat decent pics of the Thor Life-Size Bust.
  2. Eukalyptus

    Me wee little collection

    War Machine collection: I'm missing the Revoltech Mark II, Legacy WM maquette as well as the MMS120 War Machine. Also got another Mark II AU to display in Rhodey mode. Contemplating getting the Suit-Up Gantry for his dress up.
  3. Eukalyptus

    Me wee little collection

    Hulk Life-Size Bust Repaint:
  4. Eukalyptus

    What is the Best Comic You Are Reading?

    I'll add Fables to my list. Great, great series.
  5. Eukalyptus

    Iron Man 3 Discussion Thread

    Quoted for thruth :lecture
  6. Eukalyptus

    Batman: Stuck on what to read next

    When you read The Long Halloween, make sure you get Catwoman: When in Rome, as well as Batman: Dark Victory.
  7. Eukalyptus

    Film cells

    Yesterday, I got my framed Avengers film cells: This is just a stock picture. I'll take a pic of my own in the next few days. I must say, these are worth the price considering the quality of the frame, the cells and the prints. I got #115/2500, so that's a plus, too :yess: Does anybody else...
  8. Eukalyptus

    Hulk Life-Size Bust

    And absolutely too small :slap Btw. here's mine (repaint not done by me):
  9. Eukalyptus

    All things Marvel Legends/Marvel Select/Marvel Universe

    Re: All things Marvel Legends That wash makes it look 1000 times better :clap
  10. Eukalyptus

    Laz93RX7s' collection: updated 5/21/13

    Re: Laz93RX7s' collection 6/16/12 update warmachine bust and smore Great collection! Woody must be so happy! ;)
  11. Eukalyptus

    Hot Toys - MMS185 - The Avengers: Iron Man MK VII Official Specs & Pics

    Re: Hot Toys - MMS - The Avengers: Iron Man MK VII Those missile pods do look removable! :yess:
  12. Eukalyptus

    RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

    Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched. Prometheus 4/10
  13. Eukalyptus

    Hot Toys –MMS120 - Iron Man 2: War Machine full spec and pics

    The War Machine MILK version is way cheaper than that ;) And it looks cooler imo.
  14. Eukalyptus

    Avengers Iron Man Mark VII Life Sized Bust

    It should be considerably cheaper. War Machine had Uncle Gazpacho with the ammo strap, while the Mark VII doesn't. I say $750 at the most.
  15. Eukalyptus

    Hot Toys – MMS147 - Predators: 1/6th scale Tracker Predator Collectible Figure

    Great! Looking forward to it! (Now, where to get a second hound... ;) )
  16. Eukalyptus

    Hot Toys – MMS147 - Predators: 1/6th scale Tracker Predator Collectible Figure

    Comparing with the movie props, I'm glad Hot Toys went for smaller heads.
  17. Eukalyptus

    What is the Best Comic You Are Reading?

    Sin City, followed by The Walking Dead.