Batman: Stuck on what to read next

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Apr 18, 2012
Reaction score
Derbyshire, England
Hi all,
I've recently, over the past 6-8 months, started to read and collect G.novels. AMAZING! Why I didn't see these before - I've no idea.
Anyway, my question is - what do I read next - I've become stuck on a few things, I'll list my novels for The Batman and then questions I have .. if you guys could please suggest what I need to purchase next - that would be great. :)

OK. I've read the following:

Batman Year One
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Batman: Knightfall, Vol. 1: Broken Bat
Batman: The Killing Joke
Batman: The Black Mirror
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns

Sitting ready to read are:

Batman: Knightfall, Vol. 2: Who Rules the Night
Batman: The Long Halloween


* I've just finished reading the black mirror and ____ Grayson is the Bat. OK, I get this. But what happened to ____ Grayson as Robin? Jason Todd, how did he get introduced?. I need a Robin starting story, how he suddenly changed etc?

*When did Bruce Wayne finish as the Bat?

Sorry, I didn't plan my starting points very well :(

Hope you guys can help!!!

Todd replaced Grayson when Bruce fired him as Robin (?). His last appearance as Robin was New Teen Titans #39.

I don't know much about Todd, other than his death. You should read Hush to get the rest of that story.

Tim Drake came in after Jason Todd (A Lonely Place of Dying was the story that introduced him). Best Robin ever, personally.

If you want to know what happened to Bruce Wayne that brought Grayson into the job as Batman, read Batman: R.I.P., Final Crisis, and Battle for the Cowl.

I'm sure others can elaborate in much more detail.
Thank-you devilof76! That gives me a great place to start from.

Is there a TPB of where Grayson was fired? Maybe I need a start story and an end story of each robin?! Sooo many to read. Exciting times :)
Grayson getting fired was something I stumbled across a minute ago. I had always thought he quit because he didn't want to turn into Bruce Wayne. I think someone else will have to fill that in for you. I don't think it's something that would have been anthologized. Seems like it's too far back.

Here's the cover from when he quit the Teen Titans (to eventually become Nightwing; Wally West went with him).

Also, the Batman RIP story stretched over four books (not including Final Crisis, which may or may not be something you want to endure). Batman & Son, The Black Glove, Resurrection of Ras Al Ghul, and Batman RIP.
Since when was Grayson fired as being Robin?

That's news to me especially since I read all the Batman family of books back in the day and the New Teen Titans.

As I remember it, he quit being Robin because he wanted to be his own man.
New Teen Titans #39 "Crossroads"

Synopsis for "Crossroads"
Acting on information provided by Bethany Snow, the Teen Titans invade an Alaskan way station of Brother Blood's cult, and find proof of his political backing of certain senators and congressmen, which they turn over to the authorities. Terra secretly reports the Titans' activities to the Terminator, and she and the Terminator fight a mock battle to test each other's powers. At the next Titans meeting, Kid Flash appears in civilian garb as Wally West and formally announces that he is leaving the team. After goodbyes are said, Robin unexpectedly announces that he too is giving up his costumed identity—not because he is retiring, as Kid Flash is, but because he intends to take on a new guise, as yet undecided, which will identify him more as the Titans' leader than as the Batman's junior partner. Unknown to the Titans, all of this information is being relayed to the Terminator by Terra, so that he too now knows Robin and Kid Flash's true identities.
So at the moment, I have:

Batman & Son, The Black Glove, Resurrection of Ras Al Ghul, and Batman RIP

Added to the list I need to purchase/read up on.

Would this give me the Robin introduction(s)/transitions/deaths etc?
If not, any others - sorry to ask.
All the Knightfall books were just republished and we finally got a trade of Knightquest. I'd suggest picking that up after reading "Who Rules the Night" but before reading "Knight's End". Some of the stories in Knightquest are good, some not so much. But it's definitely worth the read if you're going through the Knightfall books.

I'm a pretty big fan of the Grant Morrison Batman books, starting with "Batman and Son". They can be a little over the top (which is one of the reasons I love 'em), but some volumes can be a little hard to follow. If you're familiar with Morrison, you'll know what I mean. It isn't at a "Final Crisis" level of incomprehensibility, but still can be a tough read in parts.

[edit] I just noticed you already added some of the Morrsion books. Well ____, I just typed all that up, I'm leaving it there. The Morrison books won't give you "the story" of Grayson giving up Robin, but it does introduce the current Robin, and if you stick with the series post-Final Crisis (I suggest reading a wiki article about Final Crisis rather than the book itself), you'll get to read some of the best Grayson stories ever. [/edit]

Once you get yourself acquainted with all the different takes on Batman, Neil Gaiman's "Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader" is a fantastic read.
Here's my order for upcoming books:

*Batman and Son
*The Black Glove
*Batman R.I.P.
*Final Crisis
**The Return of Bruce Wayne
**Batman & Robin (three volumes)
***Batman, Incorporated

I can't wait for the next TPB The Court of Owls book to come out.

I just picked up Batman vs. The Black Glove Deluxe edition which is 384 pages and I think has Batman and Son and The Black Glove in it along with some other stuff but it sounds like it stops before Batman RIP so I'm still in order. Below is a description of that book:
Here we have a massive 384 pager that features the opening chapters of Grant Morrison’s Batman epic and presents them in the beautiful DELUXE format that’s not only easier to read, but it really shows off the art in a way the monthly issues couldn’t.

Like I said, there’s 384 pages of Grant Morrison’s “Batman” run here. And since it’s Grant Morrison’s show, the Grotesk storyline written by John Ostrander that came after “Batman & Son” isn’t collected and neither is the cross-over event “The Resurrection of Ra’s Al Ghul” which was written by Morrison, Dini, and a few other authors across “Robin”, “Nightwing”, “Batman”, and “Detective Comics”. I couldn’t be happier that the Ra’s Al Ghul tale was left out, it was absolutely horrible and it’s best to forget it ever even happened. What we do have collected, however, are some of the best Batman stories that Morrison has ever done.

Batman & Son

We meet Damian for the first time and witness the rise of Talia’s man-bat army. When this was first published I didn’t like Damian at all. There were too many side-kicks already and Damian just felt like another, younger version of Jason Todd. Now that Damian’s Robin has been around for about 6 years and I’m used to him, the story is far less annoying. Having Talia turn her ninjas into man-bats is a fun twist, a cool visual, and let’s face it–Kirk Langstrom’s sympathetic story was pretty one note so it’s good to see this man-bat idea evolve in some form. And Kubert’s art is fantastic, especially at a scene that takes place at a gala/art show setting where he’s able to illustrate a variety of different styles. There’s a lot of great energy in this story and it’s a great way to kick things off. And just when your energy is up, the book hits you in the gut with something very dark.

The Clown at Midnight

My favorite Joker story in a decade. Perhaps longer. The art by John Van Fleet is absolutely horrible computer generated imagery and it almost hurts to look at it, but thankfully there is very little of it. This was a unique one-shot issue that was almost entirely prose. I wouldn’t even consider it a comic, honestly. But it is quite good and the descriptions of Joker’s inner thoughts and the idea of him as a “walking holocaust” are phenomenal and will stick with you for years after reading it. Even Heath Ledger was greatly influenced by this work when creating his portrayal of the Joker for “The Dark Knight”– if what Grant Morrison says is true (I can’t help but wonder why he would have been given access to Ledger’s diary). This is a great, dark tale that hits even harder following the pop-corn action movie feel of “Batman & Son”.

The Three Ghosts

This section begins with a fun little nod to the ski chase from Bond film “The Spy Who Loved Me” before heading back to Gotham where Batman must dig into the Black Case Book and uncover why three former Gotham police officers have taken up Bat-suits of their own and are terrorizing Gotham. It’s brilliantly drawn and colored by Andy Kubert, more than enough hints are laid for the future “Batman: R.I.P.” storyline and there is no shortage of action as Batman brawls with a venom enhanced foe. There’s more detective work here and it’s darker than “Batman & Son” for sure but it’s also just as fun.

Batman in Bethlehem

Batman #666 is here as well. This is an odd issue that’s a bit jarring here, honestly. It’s a look to a future in which Damian Wayne is serving as Gotham’s Dark Knight when the third and most demonic “ghost” of Batman from the previous tale has returned once again to torment the city. Damian’s Batman Beyond isn’t something I would want to read as an ongoing series. I didn’t care for the world this showed or its characters and view it as a future I definitely wouldn’t want Gotham to have. By the time you get to this chapter, you’re halfway through this massive book so I just think of it as intermission before something much bigger and more interesting.

Club of Heroes

This is the first time in his epic that Morrison really dives into the old Batman mythology. If you have an encyclopedic knowledge of the silver age then you’re going to bust a nut when you read this. I wish I could think of a prettier way of saying that but I can’t right now. It’s too hot. This is where the Black Glove tale really begins and it also plants the seeds for Batman Incorporated which will come much, much later. J.H. Williams’ art is as phenomenal as always and as usual he does some pretty inventive things with page layout. I’m a sucker for creative layouts even if they don’t always work and the way he colors flashbacks to match the style of early silver age comics is even more delightful. The tone of this story is pretty weird though, much like how it is in “Batman Incorporated” Volume One. You have these silly and outright wacky moments between the most flamboyant characters you’ve seen in a Batman comic in ages and then the next moment there’s a guy wearing a severed human face as a mask. Essentially, “Club of Heroes” is where Grant Morrison made the dark and gritty modern Batman and the fun and lighthearted Batman of the silver age collide.

Space Medicine

This storyline is the trippiest of the bunch. It’s loaded with hallucinations and although it does get a bit convoluted (like R.I.P. later does), most of the questions raised in “The Black Casebook” are answered and the whole thing is exceptionally drawn by Tony S. Daniel and inked by Jonathan Glapion (currently doing inks for Greg Capullo’s Batman). If you’re a big fan of Grant Morrison’s “R.I.P.” storyline that’s collected in a Deluxe edition following this one OR if you plan to read that tale in the future, “Space Medicine” is must-reading. It is a true prelude to “R.I.P.” that sets up everything and it’s a satisfying way to end this hardback collection…too bad this isn’t the last story collected here.

The Fiend with Nine Eyes

And here is the story that drags the whole book down. For such a thrilling experience as “Batman vs The Black Glove” is, it really goes out with a whimper rather than a bang. “The Fiend with Nine Eyes” is over-drawn by Ryan Benjamin who apparently comes from the 90s Liefeld school of drawing where characters have faces covered in lines no matter how old they are. Jezebel Jet is homely, Bruce Wayne looks like he’s 60, and Damian Wayne (who the story frequently cuts to for no real reason other than to disrupt the pacing) looks like he’s 40. Morrison continues to mix every era of Batman together by re-inventing the 1970s Batman foe The Ten Fingered Man (who doesn’t have much of a purpose) and having ____ Grayson talk about the silver age’s frequent monster and alien adventures as Batman’s bizarre hallucinations following his time in an experimental isolation chamber (or maybe it was the 49 days sealed in a cave). The silver-age hallucination write off is a creative way of merging the eras, the new “Nine-fingered man” isn’t threatening or entertaining in the slightest, and the chapter as a whole is ugly to look at and completely forgettable. If it wasn’t for the revelation on the final page, this story could be skipped entirely.

Supplemental Material
There isn’t any. Sure, you get the variant covers of some issues thrown in and there’s a sneak peek at “Batman: R.I.P.”, but you won’t get what you really want out of bonus material. There are no pages of the original script, early character designs and rough sketches, or even a forward or essay written by the author to give you insight. None of that. It’s the comics themselves and that’s it, which is pretty disappointing.

Even though you aren’t getting any bonus material, there’s oodles and oodles of value. Not only are you getting these stories in the much larger DELUXE size that’ll look great on your coffee table or shelf with your other hardback books, but let’s do the math here:

The comics collected originally cost $2.99 each
There are 15 comics total
That’s a $44.85 value not counting taxes
This deluxe sized, hardback collection is $29.99 (not counting taxes)
You’re saving $14.86 and getting a bigger, more readable version of these comics!
Lastly, you can buy this book on Amazon right now for $18.99, saving you an extra $11 bucks
Value? Yeah, there’s a lot of value here for your money. Oodles of it.

It’s a very fun read that showcases some of the most important moments of Batman’s recent history. The art is handled by some of the best in the business (Williams, Daniel, and Kubert) and their work looks incredible in the over-sized, deluxe format. It’s a beautiful way to present these stories and although there isn’t any supplemental material to brag about, you are definitely getting some of the best stuff from Morrison’s run at a great price. If you already have these stories collected in a soft trade paperback or maybe in the “Batman & Son vs. The Black Glove” hardback that came out a few months ago then you might not need to add this to your collection. But if you DON’T own any of those already– you need to go buy this book. It’s too good of a deal to pass up and even thought the final chapter is a weak one, there are enough other reasons to buy “Batman vs. The Black Glove” that I feel a 10/10 is in order.

SCORE: 10/10

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You should definitely throw Battle for the Cowl in there.

Since when was Grayson fired as being Robin?

I was looking for a shot of Titans #39 and I came across a synopsis that said it was how it happened. If it's not, I'm happy to hear that I haven't been crazy all these years. It made me think I missed something, because as far as I ever knew, Grayson made the move himself.

Nice to have everything back in its place. Thanks Snoop. :duff

I'm a pretty big fan of the Grant Morrison Batman books, starting with "Batman and Son". They can be a little over the top (which is one of the reasons I love 'em), but some volumes can be a little hard to follow. If you're familiar with Morrison, you'll know what I mean. It isn't at a "Final Crisis" level of incomprehensibility, but still can be a tough read in parts.

You have to be one of the first people I've found here that liked R.I.P., and for the same reasons I did.

I was looking for a shot of Titans #39 and I came across a synopsis that said it was how it happened. If it's not, I'm happy to hear that I haven't been crazy all these years. It made me think I missed something, because as far as I ever knew, Grayson made the move himself.

Nice to have everything back in its place. Thanks Snoop. :duff

I was starting to think that I was going crazy and had missed something! :lol

The Chalice by Chuck Dixon is awesome. John Van Fleet drew it, which I imagine is not everyone's cup of tea, but I've always liked it. He did a bit of Batman in that era. Cast Shadows, which was a Poison Ivy story, and The Ankh which had a lot of Tim Drake.
Along with some of the older Batman stories that have been mentioned I'd recommend Moench's and Jones Red Rain trilogy, it's an elseworlds series but really good. Also Haunted Knight by the same authors is good as well. Both can be found in trades.

When you read The Long Halloween, make sure you get Catwoman: When in Rome, as well as Batman: Dark Victory.