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  1. The Josh

    WETA forums problem

    FB is a nice filler to go along with a forum but a forum is needed still. It allows us and Weta to come together so much easier. If a new forum is started should/would we call it S&F or something new?
  2. The Josh

    Show your LOTR shelves

    Very cool! :rock
  3. The Josh

    (FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

    re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..." Yeah, I don't like it on first look.
  4. The Josh

    Show your LOTR shelves

    Hadn't checked the thread out for a bit. Some nice updates everyone.
  5. The Josh

    Premium Format Sauron Premium Format

    That should look nice. Sadly my Saruman is still in the box. :(
  6. The Josh

    (FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

    re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..." Very nice!
  7. The Josh

    (FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

    re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..." Good luck on the interview Thom! :rock
  8. The Josh

    Premium Format Sauron Premium Format

    If this was facebook I'd give that a like. :lol
  9. The Josh

    Premium Format Sauron Premium Format

    Very nice! It's a great piece.
  10. The Josh

    (FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

    re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..." I will go after the montage first. I do want the individuals but even with the darn good price for all 9 that really has to wait.
  11. The Josh

    (FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

    re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..." Man, I hate having to not spend money. I'm probably going to be buying a car soon and really need to do something about the CC debt I have. Jerry just posted some amazing new LOTR prints and I'm going to have to be adult for once...
  12. The Josh

    Statue Weta Workshop Smaug the Terrible Statue

    That is fairly to the point. :lol :rock
  13. The Josh

    Statue Weta Workshop's Bolg Statue

    I knew what that was even before I clicked. I did say it that way in my head as I did the review.
  14. The Josh

    Vanderstelt Studio Middle-earth News

    Those are stunning. I don't have the words to really describe what I feel when I see them. Those Fellowship ones or the all in ones hit me especially hard (in a good way). I think about the moments tied to those faces and what they did within the story it makes one a bit emotional.
  15. The Josh

    Celebration Anaheim 2015 - April 16-19 - Confirmed!

    I really like how the designs from the originals have been updated. They look old and new but still cool. If that makes sense.
  16. The Josh

    Statue Weta Workshop's Bolg Statue

    Hey all even if you're a PM keep all sales either via PM or for sales section.
  17. The Josh

    Statue Weta Workshop Smaug the Terrible Statue

    Nice job Frank! I'm not looking forward to having to drag him out to review. :lol
  18. The Josh

    Statue Weta Workshop's Beorn's House Environment

    Got mine yesterday. Very nice piece! Another lovely job by Weta bringing a location of Middle-earth to life. :rock