Hi IthildinI made that one myself – out of a table tennis ball.
I'm hoping to get another Saruman reg hand to sit it on and get it to light up.
If you hear of anyone who may have one to offer please let me know, I'll be happy to pay a fair price for it.
Hey Bill, way cool that you did it yourself. I really like it a lot!
Heck, if you weren't so far away, I'd have you make one for me since I haven't a artistic bone in my body.
Well done my friend.
I wish I knew when the next statue in the LOTR line is going to be announced/released. It's driving me crazy as I only collect LOTR. It's been over a year since Weta told us they were jumping back in to the 1/6 scale and we only have Faramir so far.
We are way overdue for the next piece and it's getting hard to have more patience.

Calgary CC is coming up and I've now got my hopes on a reveal at the show.

Please have mercy on us poor LOTR collectors Weta and give us something!