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    Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes Brainstorming Thread

    Very nice! That paint job is just the nuts!


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Indy's back! Sorry nothing new to report, still renovating flat with spare time. I am currently ploughing through the rest of my figure accessories so will see if I can get pics of those up ;)

    Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes Brainstorming Thread

    Who did that sculpt Gido? Looks great!

    JAMES BOND - Original creations

    Re: OFFICIAL JAMES BOND THREAD Anyone find a good dinner suite/tux for goldeneye? There's one on Kit Chens site with a cap America head, though shoulders look huge?

    Rahmier84 paint and mods...comissions closed

    He's almost there, will definitely need some Jake paint when done ;)

    Rahmier84 paint and mods...comissions closed

    Max looks great! That's the only way for his hair, it's such a mess in the movie :D is the leg brace fullmetals work?


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Indy's back! Sorry for the lack of updates. I got appartment mass renovation sucking up my time so 1/6 has taken a back seat for now :-\ the next update will be a max one just for you guys ;)

    Hot Toys body replacement screws?

    Cheers Paul, I may have found some good substitutes for now. Some broken headphones in a box had some black screws that are pretty spot on ;)

    Hot Toys body replacement screws?

    Still after these screws. Anyone got any sources?

    1/6 The Last of Us Joel

    Can anyone tell me the size dimensions of Joels Bow?

    Chrome paintjob with a hint of blue help needed

    humbrol polished steel rub and buff spray paint gives a dark chrome blued steel look like that after buffing it up.

    1/6 The Last of Us Joel

    Hegemony77's work is awesome! I fitted mine to a Tiny Kitty body and it fits great as it has a good size neck and small hands and feet, very similar to Ellie. I also started working on the head.

    robbiethepainter's "August 11th Rad BMX bike..." stuff

    Re: robbiethepainter's project thread 6-6-16 Outstanding work Robbie!

    1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

    Just curious as to why they seem to only recast MJ Chois heads? Seems like a reoccurring process of a while after forum release there is a recast factory release?

    [Kato Work] The making of Medicom Kamen Rider genuine leather suit

    Excellent! Dam! All that work on the pleather version for it to rot away. Does all pleather rot after say seven years? or is it a certain type of pleather or environment it is kept in?

    [Kato Work] The making of Medicom Kamen Rider genuine leather suit

    Wow! Keep the pics coming. I'm learning some useful leather techniques here ;) Fantastic work!


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Indy's back! Cheers, guys. Han will be done after Indy which I'm re-doing the hair ;)


    Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Indy's back! Latest Indy head with temp Han wig.

    Removing a Hot Toys Han Solo body chest piece?

    Hey all, I recently bought a Solo body though found the arm to be a bit on the loose side, so I need to open it up to tighten the screws. Problem is the seam is stuck down solid! I've opened up dx05 bodies and the seam comes apart easily. Though feels like they used super glue on this Han body...

    1/6 1/6 Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien - Collectible Figure

    Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS) Is there a price on this figure? Any idea when pre-order will be up?