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Indy's back! I took my Yunsil Indy outfit out of the bag for the first time and put it on the Banner body just to see how it all looks with my head sculpt. Outfit fits nicely with the body, though I think the Banner arms may be a little too around the triceps. I've also did a quick photoshop burn tool paintover as the head is just grey primer right now.

View attachment 255793

What a great great sculpt.
The face expression is so accurate to Ford.
Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Indy's back!

You keep teasing us with that fantastic sculpt. Looking forward to when it becomes available. I love the Rachael you did.
Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Indy's back!

Cheers guys :) More angles

View attachment 255971
Fantastic sculpt! I do think that his mouth is a bit off. The upper lip's gap should be closer together and the way the upper lip meets the lower could be a little flatter. Hope you don't mind, I did this very quickly, but it illustrates my point. Just trying to help:
Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Indy's back!

Thanks for the feedback Mark. You're right, could definitely do with being less M shaped and more straighter. Will add that in when I get round to re-printing ;)
Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Indy's back!

Wowwwwie! That is just stellar! I am def interested if you decide to ever make a run.
Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Indy's back!

I am still in need of a real serious Indy sculpt. I am convinced this is it.
Re: CUSTOMIZINGS: Indy's back!

Cheers, guys. Han will be done after Indy which I'm re-doing the hair ;)

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