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  1. synysterfox

    Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

    This is gorgeous! In Old Snake did you swapped the cloth pieces with the Olive drab version? Id like to swap the one I have in black but idk if those parts can be purchased separedly (?)
  2. synysterfox

    Hot Toys Justice League Superman

    IMO, BVS suit is the canon one for the character <3
  3. synysterfox

    1/6 Hot Toys BvS: Dawn of Justice - Superman

    Thanks for the respose, yeah I just joined a couple of days ago, gonna ask over there soon. I just need to know at least how to resolve the repaint og the emblem, and yeah the one form the video is amazing!
  4. synysterfox

    1/6 Hot Toys BvS: Dawn of Justice - Superman

    Hello guys! After a LONG (like, year long) deciding which Sups to get, I decided to pull the trigger on the BvS Superman, since I like the S emblem way more. With that beign said, may I request any tips, or information on how to repaint this figure? I'm from south America so ask a painter a...
  5. synysterfox

    Hot Toys Justice League Superman

    found a review, in spanish tho:
  6. synysterfox

    For Sale HT Modern Suit Batman

    Re: On the 0?s sale: hard to find cheaper Hello, is Superman still available? Thanks :)
  7. synysterfox

    Zack Snyder's Justice League - what's your wish list?

    Actually that's the beauty of the scene. He is being honorable (considering the circumstances) by calling him Batman instead of Bruce.
  8. synysterfox

    Hot Toys Justice League Superman

    hey guys, thank you all for your suggestions regarding getting this or BvS version. I prerodered this one so I can now gt into the fanboy train, Cavill needs to come back asap! :D
  9. synysterfox

    Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

    Why is people still buying MGSV merch?
  10. synysterfox

    Hot Toys Justice League Superman

    Hey guys! Quick question: Is it worth to get this if I don't have the MoS or BvS versions? I've been meaning for ages to have a Cavill Sups and I would like to make sure if picking this one up is the right call. Any suggestion will be much appreciated!
  11. synysterfox

    Metal Gear Solid Customs Thread: SUBSISTENCE

    Has anyone made customs from PAK figures? Thinking of comissioning Ocelot into his MGS2 incarnation, since I haven't been able to sell him along with Kaz.
  12. synysterfox

    Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

    Hey guys, been a while. So it's been over a year and I couldn't sell PAK Ocelot. I'm thinking in commission a turning into MGS2 Old Ocelot, thoughts? Also still have Kaz left, but if I couldn't sell Ocelot, he might as well be impossible to sell haha
  13. synysterfox

    Metal Gear Solid Customs Thread: SUBSISTENCE

    Hey there, I've seen this thread for a long while and now I mean to ask all of you of this: Has anyone moded/customized their Play Arts figures? I've been trying to sell some of mine (Quiet, Venom, Ocelot, Kaz) with absolutely no success and K was thinking in turning them into...
  14. synysterfox

    Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

    Man, LiMInis look so gorgeous, I really hope they can expand the MGS line with more than just V characters. Offtopic tho, anyone are keeping some Play Arts? which characters are you keeping? Im looking to reduce my collection but its so hard to choose. At least Solid and Solidus are keepers for me.
  15. synysterfox

    Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

    Have you thought of adding the Bandana? I always thought that the bandana would have quite a history with her!
  16. synysterfox

    Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

    Hey guys, its been a long while. I wanted to ask you if anyone that keeps PAKs, still has Solid Snake? The silencer of his SOCOM broke after he fell (not even from high distance). You guys know if there's any replacement for that? Also... what should be the fair price to ask for PAKs Quiet and...
  17. synysterfox

    Michael The Smooth Criminal by Yh HA/Yunsil

    How do I get one of these? Thx in advance
  18. synysterfox

    Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

    Hi guys, been a while. Since PAK collecting has been almost erased from existence, have you ever seen any bootlegs? How are they in comparison? I've seen posted most of them from Marvel stuff but nothing besides unboxed Quiet or a Sneaking Venom. Any experience?
  19. synysterfox

    1/6 Hot Toys - BvS: Dawn of Justice - Batman

    Sorry to ask this, but I have never moded or customized anything so I probably be sending this task to commission, although I don't know how to explain it so I need to ask the following: How do you paint the Suit? I've seen some of you making it's grey tone lighter, I would love to do the same...
  20. synysterfox

    Action Figure Storm Collectibles 1/12 Street Fighter V

    How are these figures in scale with the Resaurus ones? I'm digging that Zangief if only he can fit in that line