I was waiting for some paint and decal. Finally finished my Metal Gear MK-II
Final Pose with custom Old Solid Snake

Final Pose with custom Old Solid Snake

Looks pretty great, dude. What material did you use for the black sleeves?
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Hey ghost, that's a neat custom. Was it plasti dip for the arms perchance?
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My custom Virtuous Mission Snake
View attachment 464208
Please show more pics of ur custom GZ snake! He looks great, I wanna see close up head sculpt, the legs, the rear, everything! CheersUpdating an old custom, what do you guy think?
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Please show more pics of ur custom GZ snake! He looks great, I wanna see close up head sculpt, the legs, the rear, everything! Cheers
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My custom Virtuous Mission Snake
View attachment 464208
Ok...I need to know what parts you used so I can make this figure as well.
Amazing work on the sculpt.
I'm still kicking myself for not be able to get the Bigby figure you guys were able to make a while back.
Is there anything in this picture that anybody needs?
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