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  1. M

    Light Of The Jedi

    I always loved Kit's little yin yang fish on his belt :).
  2. M

    Official Asajj Ventress Image Thread

    I just got mine in the mail today off eBay, completely sealed in the original shipping box, and there's a problem. I took the tattooed head, and went to put it on the neck, but it wouldn't stay on. Upon inspection, half of the area with the hole where the tab goes in, is torn and it goes up with...
  3. M

    Alfrex Lone Wolf and Cub--one of the coolest figures ever made!!!

    Sorry to go all necromancer and bring this back up, but there's no sign of SideShow ever picking up the license, is there?
  4. M

    Who's ordered Ilum Padme so far???

    Maybe she's suffering from Luke syndrome and the later versions will look better. Right now though, I'm fine not ordering her. Were there any pictures of her next to any other character for size comparison?
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    Official Asajj Ventress Image Thread

    It's good to see how much they improved on her from the first pictures posted on SS's site, especially on the skirt and boots. But I'm with the guy who said she looks better with the animated style head due to the thicker outline around the eyes. If I don't get through on the wait list, I don't...