*crazy whisper* I'm Batwoman.
You wanna get nuts. Let's get nuts!

You wanna get nuts. Let's get nuts!
So you're transgender-phobic?
Batwoman is a lesbian with a wig so this works
*crazy whisper* I'm Batwoman.
You wanna get nuts. Let's get nuts!ohh, ****! It's true, I've just remembered I don't do nuts!!
I think people are upset because she is in the lgbtqi scene no idea in what way and it doesn't bother me to be honest.
That's stupid. Kathy Kane is a LGBT character.
I'm okay with this casting choice. I thought she was fine in JW2. I just hope the costume is good since it's one of my favorite superhero designs.
EDIT: Just realized this is the Supergirl movie thread and not the Batwoman one. I feel lost.
No such thing. My beliefs are in biology and facts and a woman is a woman and a man is a man. Do not force me to think or believe otherwise to make people feel happy.
Now this woman playing a lesbian in the show i have no issues with.
I am fine with it to because its not forcing anything onto me it is the character.
Nobody can force you to change your views
Again, why are you talking about forcing things onto you? Are you insecure in that way
She's a lesbian. Some have a problem with that.
Man they cannot even get their two main leader characters right...and they cannot even get a good film...I will laugh my ass off if these movies will be actually good while Batman and Superman will stay in the ****** dirt.![]()
They need to STOP with the thinking "let's shoehorn Supes or Bats for a cameo role"...why?? That doesn't mean a thing post -JL
Batman with Mat Reeves at the helm is already a hit for me and it hasn't even started filming yet.
And maybe it wont even happen for all we know. We will see. But DC movies so far have been dogcrap. I hope Affleck wont be anywhere near it. He was okay in BvS but all I can see from him...he is not Batman...he is Affleck dressed as Batman and trying to be Batman. Do not like his forced acting. Basically he is Ben Affleck in a suit.
Really? I thought he was Bruce Wayne! Don't ruin my childhood fantasy and tell me Batman is not real! The way you are you might even tell me Santa Claus isn't real!