EFX Scout helmet arrived. Like I said before I wasn't expecting too much difference from what I've seen from collector's pics already.
The helmet is quite heavy, shiny and looks solid, coming with a nice COA, but is not as accurate as it could have been. The jaw flair and the big visor gap are the most prominent issues with this replica. My visor closes quite ok looking from sides, but looking from top it the gap is wider on one side than the other.
The visor itself has some accuracy problems as well. The snout is not that sharp, but was expecting to be softer so it is ok. The stand looks cheap, but seems reasonably steady and solid, still is definitely inferior to other EFX stands. Price is quite high for what you get in the end, especially for international collectors who weren't bribed by EFX with a free Vader helmet.
The overall appearance is ok, less accurate than RS Prop Masters and maybe even LoneWolf, and looks better than Altmanns, the other licensed high end Scout helmet. An ok replica, but inferior to previous EFX LE helmet replicas. It is not the worst Scout helmet out there, but definitely not the best.
Comparison EFX vs LoneWolf (LW) vs RS Prop Masters Scout Trooper Helmets: