1:1 Stormtrooper Helmet question.

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I like the MR CE helmet too. It's really nice and the only 2 cons are the lack of the stand and plaque (but i got custom made ones), and the somehow obvious seam in the front. But otherwise it is a great helmet and worth every penny.
I perfectly agree, these are also my gripes. I have to find a stand somewhere now.
I perfectly agree, these are also my gripes. I have to find a stand somewhere now.

You could try this towel support:

I like the MR CE helmet too. It's really nice and the only 2 cons are the lack of the stand and plaque (but i got custom made ones), and the somehow obvious seam in the front. But otherwise it is a great helmet and worth every penny.

Same here i like mine, and im not fussed about the film accuracy, i dont want a wonky helmet. The 501st said u can troop in it as well, if u fill the crack round the mouth with silicone and modify the ears and teeth a bit, and maybe use black eye lenses instead of the green. Not alot of work to do that either tbh.
I have both MR CE and eFX LE (see pics above) and I like both. I'm going to display both when moving to the new house. I always thought Lucas would have done the helmets symmetrical if he had time, money and if he would have known what a hit SW will become. ;)
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The asymmetry works as it gives a demented appearance which is very fitting for the evil Empire. Maybe designed that way on purpose. a bit of style