1/3 Alien Warrior maquette - Coolprops

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Looks like they added a bunch of acid effects to the bust base. Horrid. :lol

As for the main statue, still looks good to me. Be nice if the water wasn't so yellowed, I was expecting a cloudy olive green at most. As it stands, it's too close in color to the acid.

Be nice if we knew how much they're going to ask for this. I do prefer it to Prime 1's overall.

That last photo Shoo posted is the money shot IMO. Simple, puts the character design front and center, and has a bit of life without looking awkward. Paintjob is nice too, the gloss coat doesn't block the color.

In response to feedback regarding the water, beesub said this is still subject to change so maybe it won't be as yellow on the final product. I think the previous prototype had the right color, not sure why they changed it to melted cheese.
This statue is the exact same one from last year. It hasn't had any changes the final details are still missing and covered with gloss. Like the wire ridges on the piece above the mouth. Plus these images look really washed out. I don't get why people always take the worst pictures at these events.
In hand pictures are all that matters when it comes to coolprops paint.
I just don?t understand, why CP does not make nice studio shots of that one? They sit on this prototype since almost 2 years and still just crappy phone pictures, that don?t do it any justice.
CoolProps Warrior is being left behind, as it’s taking way too long. People are already preordering the Prime 1 Warrior. There’s not going to be any money left for the CoolProps, lol.
Jesus, even the highlights on the figure has yellowing. Who the hell loves yellow that much?
We all know what the original Winston Warriors looked like. Plenty of bright, bold yellow. The fact that the creature itself features both yellow and blue doesn't bother me, looks like a nice combination of what we saw on screen and how the props were made.

The base is a disaster though.

This statue is the exact same one from last year.

It's not. Water looked different before, a desaturated green and more translucent. Looked like dirty water instead of gelatin. They've also added extra yellow acid gunk to the base and bust now. Gloss coat seemed a bit stronger before, but that could just be me.

2018/19(?) version:



I don't get it. When this thing was teased years ago, people complained about the pose and it was fixed. Then people complained about the size of the base and it was taken in -- but it's still pretty darn big. Then we get no updates for two years. Now CP return with the statue pretty much the same, except they've made the water yellow and added more acid to the base and bust. I like the thing overall, but decisions like these make me question how they operate. Why has it taken two years to change things no one ever asked to change?

Hopefully they put up some proper photos so we know what to expect. Official studio pics would be even better.
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I just preordered the Prime 1 Warrior. I’m done with this CoolProps one. Tired of waiting and tired of the horrid continuing artistic decisions.
Ok, so far...I paid off the Prime 1 Jungle Hunter and the Victim Hunter Tree. Preordered the P1 Alien Warrior.

I might pull the trigger on the Prime 1 City Hunter over the Infinity one.

I have the Dog Alien. I have the CoolProps Giger maquette. My question...is it overkill to order the Prime 1 Big Chap if I already own the Giger maquette?

I know they are different, the CoolProps Giger is the Museum repica...and the Prime 1 Big Chap is from the movie.

Again, overkill?
Ok, so far...I paid off the Prime 1 Jungle Hunter and the Victim Hunter Tree. Preordered the P1 Alien Warrior.

I might pull the trigger on the Prime 1 City Hunter over the Infinity one.

I have the Dog Alien. I have the CoolProps Giger maquette. My question...is it overkill to order the Prime 1 Big Chap if I already own the Giger maquette?

I know they are different, the CoolProps Giger is the Museum repica...and the Prime 1 Big Chap is from the movie.

Again, overkill?

Is there something like an overkill? :rotfl Surely all a hard decision. Would love to see them all in person put next to each other and then be able to judge. I do envy all the people that had the opportunity to see them at a show last year.

But @Galactusz, You surely know how to handle statues save and decent, so there is always a possibility to re-sell.
The prime 1 Warrior is a misfire for me. After a rocky start with this, CP have a good opportunity here to have the better option and they are somehow trying to sabotage themselves. Get that horrible yellow removed from the base and coh body. Give it a nice water effect and just release it already with a competitive price and decent pictures. The prime 1's base is comically big with an awful looking acid burn and a mar-mite pose. Why can nobody just release an warrior in an upright simple pose with a classy base? Maybe Mamegyorai will although we'll certainly pay for the privilege if they did....
The pose is literally a screen shot of the alien after Vasquez yells "drake come on"
The base is no different than the dog alien, the head leaning forward is where the extra inch comes from. As far as the acid splatter I agree. Good think is I do custom work so I'll alter it in about 20 minutes tops.
The cp warrior has multiple issues. One of them being inaccuracies to the film and that is where I draw the line. Plus their catastrophic paint apps. IMG_20200708_155700.jpg
I think we'll agree to disagree at this point. :lol

I wish I liked the Prime 1. If I did, I'd have ordered it twice already and never looked back. Would be great to have an Alien Warrior in the collection and I envy people like Galactusz for whom either option scratches the itch. I recognize it's a more accurate sculpt by a few percentage points. Its pose is inspired by a moment in the movie, yes (although we never see its full body at that moment). The paintjob will be less of a gamble. It's certainly not a bad value in that you get a lot of polysyone for the price.

But the core design of the Prime 1, the concept itself, does absolutely nothing for me. Even if it were only $1K, I still wouldn't take it because it's too busy and feels more like a diorama than a character-centric maquette and the latter is what I'm after. I'm glad you're confident enough in your purchase to assert it so many times in the thread of another product.

The back tubes on the CP may be too small. The tubing around the base of the skull may not have rings around it (well, the raw sculpt does but they're too faint to catch the light at all). But the overall composition of the piece -- the pose and base -- is exactly what I want to see in an Alien statue. And, assuming CP nail the paint quality (which again is a gamble), the paint scheme for their Warrior looks more impressive to me. Prime 1's is looking a little dark and I want the highlights to pop like the insects that inspired Winston's team.

It's frustrating to have to wait and see CP bumble around with the water and acid marks, but I'm in no rush to fill a gap in my collection. I'll wait as long as it takes and hopefully get something good at the end. If not, I won't buy either of them. Simple as.

I also realize I'm in a minority here. :lol Makes me wonder just how many CP will even produce if this thing gets off the ground. Waiting for in-hand photos might prevent me from being able to find one at all.
All you guys are making good points.

I think we are all in agreement here, both the P1 and CoolProps Warriors have issues.
Is there something like an overkill? :rotfl Surely all a hard decision. Would love to see them all in person put next to each other and then be able to judge. I do envy all the people that had the opportunity to see them at a show last year.

But @Galactusz, You surely know how to handle statues save and decent, so there is always a possibility to re-sell.

True dat.
At first I wasn't 100% for the p1 warrior just because it's my least favorite Alien design. But the more I looked at it I couldn't help but order it. I like p1s diorama set up. Their paint apps are incredible. People just have to choose. For me the acid burn is an easy fix.