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Super Freak
Re: Cool Props 1/3 Alien Warrior
Is it too much to ask for a pose of a warrior coming out of the water?!
Is it too much to ask for a pose of a warrior coming out of the water?!
Wonder if this is in collaboration with Prime 1, given the alternate head and bust base.
Tail is WAY too thick near the butt, though.
Reading back on several posts from Python and the original announcement images from these companies, it looks like CoolProps and Prime 1 indeed aren't collaborating on every single Alien piece. My guess as to how this will play out:
CoolProps has their own line, with each piece featuring a different collaboration. The Dog Alien happened to be with Prime 1 (resculpting and producing -- yay), but the Warrior is not. I guess the collaboration would be with the independent artist beesub, who's working on the 1/3 AVP Queen bust for them as well. And as we all know by now, CP's Big Chap was done in collaboration with the Giger Museum. So an odd, disjointed line with potentially varying degrees of quality.
As for Prime 1, they have their own Big Chap. Not sure if they have a Warrior coming, but it would be great for obvious reasons.
Hopefully those who want only one of each Alien will be able to buy the best from both companies. If they design their statues and bases similarly, fans may be able to mix and match without issue (a Big Chap from P1, a Warrior from CP, and a Dog from CP/P1 for example).
All collectibles companies out there are working with independant artists for their pieces, Prime1 included. And these independant artists are just in charge of the sculpt. Painting, QC and final product are not something they are responsible for you know...
Is it too much to ask for a pose of a warrior coming out of the water?!
If this is the Prime 1 offering I wont get the dog as a result. I've been waiting to see warrior and big chap 1/3. It's all three or nothing for me. Hopefully this is just a lame coolprops attempt and prime 1 has their own.
Just blame Fox for the pose. They imposed it.