Do you know how long one side of the base is? So from the corner to one angel? Thank you!
Thank you so much for that detailed review and all the pics POWER1010.I feel I know a lot more about what I'll be getting from this statue than I did before.
Do you think he's over scaled or about right for a Jim Lee Superman?
You mention not loving the way he's leaning back so much, is that really noticeable even front on or only from the sides?
are you talking about the depth of the base? from angel to back of base?
maybe lean is the wrong word, its more the pose, the arching of the back, it starts at the waist and goes too far back imo, its like a pumping out of his chest is too much, i feel he would have looked better if he was straighter, you really only notice it from the sides, if looking at the statue face to face its most noticeable on the right side.
the statue itself is not oversized, as you can see in the side by side pics with the miller batman, they match up perfectly in scale, however if anyone thought the base of miller bats was big than there in for something with this base, the base on this superman is huge and makes the statue feel much bigger than it actually is, so no the statue is not oversized but the base def is!
The distance of the red line please mate![]()
Cool, that all makes sense about the size. Really appreciate all this info. As big as this base is I have room for it because the depth isn't too bad, a lot of smaller statues have much deeper bases sadly. It's great to see him with the other heads for a change.
Overall are you disappointed or love it despite those few issues you mention?
Do you plan on getting any other Superman stuff from Prime 1? TDKR version on the way, Fabok Superman is next after that according to Prime 1. Zod just gone up for pre-order to.
i want to see more of the TDKR superman for sure!! and Fabok is a Great artist, so im looking forward to that as well, whether i want it remains to be seen as i have no idea what it looks like yet. i have no interest in Zod or cyborg superman though
overall its very impressive, i just wish the portraits were a little less toned down, i feel a smoother look to them would have helped, i know they were trying to emulate lee's style, his stuff is very angular\sharp pencil work, i feel the portraits (as funny as it sounds when talking about superman) could have benefited from some softness and not so much shading as it makes the whole portrait feel too dark compared to the excellent reds and blues they chose for the suit.
to me, the best superman portrait is the original sideshow PF, not that re-released one from a year or two ago, but the first run, the Alex Ross looking me thats still the pinnacle imo.
Nice pics and info, Power1010! Thanks.
Nice pics and info, Power1010! Thanks.
I wonder if this criticism will be prevalent enough that they would make the tone lighter on the sculpted cape be honest i dont know what it is, by no means are they bad, i dont want anyone to get that feeling, but i do think bad lighting plays a huge part, i took him down and placed him in better lighting and bam huge difference, so maybe its just me..... i can tell you this for sure, the regular sideways looking sculpt is my least favorite, its just too dark, the heat vision and the looking down sculpts are the ones i like the most for sure.
I wonder if this criticism will be prevalent enough that they would make the tone lighter on the sculpted cape version.
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