Here on the Perimeter

1/6 Newt Sideshow Freaks Exclusive made available to Sideshow Freaks only! Again, those on this list have first opportunity to purchase this figure in the order they expressed interest. If you are on this list and wish to purchase this Figure, you must contact Shawn and confirm same on this thread. If Shawn doesn't hear from you in a timely manner, you may lose your place on line as these roll out. All Freaks welcome.
Sovereign Studios will manage all orders.
Sovereign Freaks 1/6 Newt Group Discount Rate Order List:$110, Kit $80
Accessories include Casey and Wrist Locator.
C= Freaks who have Confirmed Ordering/Purchasing this Figure.
C 1) r-pjam (unpainted head)
C 2) r-Wor Gar (unpainted head)
3) r-galacticboy
C 4) metaphorge (leaning r/ rooted)
5) k s-lerath666
6) s-icruise
7) s-BadMoon
8) s-sick boy 82
9) r-dark spidey
C 10) r-tigerfeet
12) kuzeh
C 13) Mudshark (complete unassembled, bald unpainted head)
14) r-Les Walker (Head only with hair: unpainted)
15) Ironman1188 (pending HS)
C 16) k r-Jedimike71
C 17) k- P@CK@R@CK
18) s - Faschist Hippy
19) r-tnaig001
C 20) r- uscmhicks
C 21) s - lethal1973 - *2 Figs
22) r- mookeylama
C 23) r - migwit (Paid)
24) r- darth cruel
C 25) r- tylerd
r = rooted hair
s = sculpted hair
k = kit (no body)
"She will be $110.00 instead of my standard Freaks rate of $125.00. Kits will run $80.00 and will be very "do-it-yourself". By that I mean the outfit will be in "new" condition and you will have to do all of your own disstressing/painting. The kit will not be supplied with a body. I won't be doing loose parts orders, sorry. That's where things get confusing and people start getting lost in the shuffle."

[email protected]
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