1/6 Aliens ?

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Super Freak
Apr 22, 2008
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Hey guys just getting into collecting these, I know when I ask this people will say use the search on the site( for some redone its not working on my cell phone)

I was wondering who makes a good 1/6 alien to add to my collection. Does anyone know if hot toys may revisit this arean?

Thanks for the help
I'd rather get one from NECA. Funnily enough when it comes to Aliens I'd trust them on QC more than Hot Toys! And I'd certainly trust them more on accuracy.
I'd rather get one from NECA. Funnily enough when it comes to Aliens I'd trust them on QC more than Hot Toys! And I'd certainly trust them more on accuracy.

I've no hopes for accurate aliens or preds from HT, NECA on the other hand could really deliver the best aliens and preds in 1/6 scale without even having to do much more than what they are already doing...
I'd rather get one from NECA. Funnily enough when it comes to Aliens I'd trust them on QC more than Hot Toys! And I'd certainly trust them more on accuracy.

Well same here. I changed from HT to Neca regarding Preds and Aliens.
But they have.
Or not.
Not a single one is actually accurate. They range from slightly accurate (AvP) to downright lala-land (Aliens).

AvP: check.
AvP-R: check.
Alien: check.
Aliens: check.
Alien3: check.
Alien: Resurrection: well, they did release a brown version of the AvP alien...

So there you go, other than a Queen, HT has more or less made aliens from each movie.
Until they get the rubber and solid joints its a nightmare for sell.I had to epoxy the broken legs and feet, and my dog aliens rubber around the joint magically has a tear from sitting on a shelf.
At least NECA have made a Queen sculpt!
If we ever see her in production though is another question.
Last time they said they too busy so maybe next year. Well its soon 2013 so hope they announce something.
Hey guys just getting into collecting these, I know when I ask this people will say use the search on the site( for some redone its not working on my cell phone)

I was wondering who makes a good 1/6 alien to add to my collection. Does anyone know if hot toys may revisit this arean?

Thanks for the help

If you just want "an alien" or two and dont want to break the bank, the old MacFarlane 12" alien isnt terrible in my opinion. Its a bit of a hybrid of the the first and 2nd movies (so not truly "accurate") and is a tiny bit undersized if you plan to display it with other brand aliens but I like mine. And they arent hard to find or expensive.

This is a pic (admittedly a bad pic) of my MacFarlane 12" next to my Hot Toys 'Aliens' figure. (Mac on the right and the Hot Toys is, of course:mad:, the one with one leg on the left. An identical break occurred to the other leg literally hours after I fixed the first leg).

When in a more dynamic crouched/attacking position they dont look bad together or vs. marines. Probably not for the "hard core" collector, but not bad in a pinch IMO
For a second there I didn't notice the dome on your McFarlane Alien. I thought they must have made a 12" Aliens warrior that I never knew about.
The McFarlane version actually looks better.

For all the heat MacFarlane takes, this one is a good figure.

Here are a couple more, slightly better pics. The key thing to note is the flash really brings out a LOT of blue on the Hot toys alien and it really over-accentuates the details under the clear dome (as if werent there; but it is!) on the MacFarlane alien.

Both, of course look better in low light.


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