1/6 American Werewolf in London from Pop Culture Shock Collectibles

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Super Freak
Oct 11, 2009
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I searched and didn't find a thread about this, so... delete if there is one I'm missing.
I saw some photos from Monsterpalooza taking place this weekend in Los Angeles that showed 1/6 scale American Werewolf in London figures. Googled and came across this:

As previewed over on the Pop Culture Shock Collectibles Instagram page, they will soon be releasing 12″ figures of both Jack Goodman (Griffin Dunne) and David Kessler (David Naughton), which will be shown off at Monsterpalooza later this month – the convention runs from April 22-24 in Pasadena, California. In this sneak peek, you can see the figures in progress.

It’s interesting to note that Jerry Macaluso, founder of Pop Culture Shock Collectibles (and former Face Off contestant), once ran the company SOTA Toys, and he had at one point planned on adding figures of Jack and the Kessler Wolf to the company’s Now Playing line. Prototypes were shown off, but the figures never came out. All these years later, he’s making right on that promise.


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They look nice! Sometimes, I like renditions of movie characters that aren't the most iconic or obvious like the HT John Rambo figure wearing the army coat that I regret not getting; for example with American Werewolf, the first choice most people would likely opt for with David is him in the midst of transformation, and Jack in his undead state, right? The beginning part of the movie is actually my favorite, because it's the most atmospheric and moody.

Love the period renditions of American backpackers in Europe during the early 80s. Love the outfits, esp. the details.
interested in the 1/6 david werewolf for sure.

havent been into 1/6 that long but already aware that PCS have been teasing these for a abnormal amount of time same with their sons of anarchy and SF line. skeptical.
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