1/6 Bespin Han Solo (scratch built Head Sculpt & rooted hair) WIP

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Weird! With the grin he looks more like Indy than Han. If that makes sense?
Don't get me wrong it's still the ultimate Harrison Ford sculpt! I guess I just prefer the none grin version.

Keep up the really good work.
Add the chin scar and mole. Smooth out his right cheek some more. it looks a little lumpy. Otherwise looks good to me. Are there teeth in there? I can't tell

Weird! With the grin he looks more like Indy than Han. If that makes sense?
Don't get me wrong it's still the ultimate Harrison Ford sculpt! I guess I just prefer the none grin version.

Keep up the really good work.

It has a little George W Bush going there, but it's looking great so far.:clap

I can definitely see some Harrison in there, but to be honest I think you were probably a lot closer in that first pic you showed us. :)

once hair is added i think this will be perfect.

I agree. The smirk is too much now, the first "teaser" imagine seemed to have nailed it IMO. But ofcourse it's all preference.

the smirk is really obvious because of the lack of hair.

Big thanks for the all comments (compliments and critiques), we heard all the suggestions from you guys, we hope can fulfill the expectations.. wish we luck :)
Wow that looks great. There is also hope for indy ;)


It's not the years, it's the miles, sweetheart....

Yeah, it would be a great Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Indiana Jones sculpt, or even a Force Awakens Han. He looks to be in his 50's.

It may be the lighting that's adding the age, but the bags under his eyes seem to be the major culprit. If those can be drastically cut back, I think 3/4's of the problem would be solved.

It's a great likeness though - unmistakably Harrison Ford.:clap
I agree, it's the lack of teeth and the skin texture that adds to his age. Ofcourse if this is your intend then there is absolutely no critisism. I would try to make him appear younger!
I would still save a cast of this version of the head - as a "last Crusade" Indiana Jones (with fedora) it could look pretty good. HF was in his 40's when he did that, and this head appears maybe mid 50's so with stubble and the hat, it might work. It's a really good likeness to HF, one of the best, he just looks very old - and that may or may not be easy to fix. Post this over in the Indy section.
He looks like ford, but he looks too old and he could use some weight.


There are a lot of cool things about this sculpt if it can be smoothed out and tweaked per some of the suggestions. It has a sense of realism and emotion lacking in a lot of other Ford HS out there. But right now still too old looking.
need to smooth out the wrinkles looks like he`s 80 years old

It's not the years, it's the miles, sweetheart....

Yeah, it would be a great Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Indiana Jones sculpt, or even a Force Awakens Han. He looks to be in his 50's.

It may be the lighting that's adding the age, but the bags under his eyes seem to be the major culprit. If those can be drastically cut back, I think 3/4's of the problem would be solved.

It's a great likeness though - unmistakably Harrison Ford.:clap

I agree it looks good, but too old. I think he might need some teeth

Looks pretty good, although I think we might need to see it from a few more angles to get a better idea.

I agree, it's the lack of teeth and the skin texture that adds to his age. Ofcourse if this is your intend then there is absolutely no critisism. I would try to make him appear younger!

I would still save a cast of this version of the head - as a "last Crusade" Indiana Jones (with fedora) it could look pretty good. HF was in his 40's when he did that, and this head appears maybe mid 50's so with stubble and the hat, it might work. It's a really good likeness to HF, one of the best, he just looks very old - and that may or may not be easy to fix. Post this over in the Indy section.

He looks like ford, but he looks too old and he could use some weight.



There are a lot of cool things about this sculpt if it can be smoothed out and tweaked per some of the suggestions. It has a sense of realism and emotion lacking in a lot of other Ford HS out there. But right now still too old looking.

Big thanks for the feedbacks guys ! :wave
I conclude that this HS version is good but looks too old, noted :)
it because the lighting or maybe the hs it self, we'll find the problem :)

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