1/6 body pose off - everyone can play!

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GabRaz said:
Love the Medi body, very natural poses even with all that surrounding plastic:

Love the HT body even better, the New Generation Life body has an extra ankle joint, better balance; plus ball jointed wrists trumps medi's swivel wrists anyday (on the SW stuff at least, a few other Medi's have ball jointed wrists).

Awesome pics Gab! wow love that shadow trooper! Where can i get one of those long rifles for the trooper?
Seth Gecko said:
It's really no fair cause medicom comic spiderman owns all.:D :monkey5 :cool:




Say what you want about medi luke he looks so much more natural at just basic stances



When all is said and done SS's body is the worst of the bunch and needs an upgrade period...And i can't wait till that happens.

I can't find that pic of the twisted SS luke in the epileptic poses anyone got that anymore?:lol
devlinboy said:
lol no way!!! is it really that hard to pose maul like that. he looks so dumb. i dont own any ss figs besides dress blues ermey and the zombies but that is crazy

Dude, i honestly gave it a 100% trying to copy the spiderman pose. go see for yourself how clunky and funny the SS body is to try to pose it like that. I challenge any sideshowkid