1/6 Cantina

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Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Right so the third booth is under way... First up is the archway. Now as I said I WANT THIS ARCHWAY TO BE MUCHO THICKER... so I have cut out the basic shape with a very sharp spoon but if you have a jigsaw use that. I clamped two pieces of mdf together so I would have a back and front that was the same.

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/Cantina/cantinacorner-241.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

next I cut up some wee strips of mdf to pad the archway out and make it thicker. I am using what ever I have laying around to keep costs down.

I want my arch to be about 9cm thick so I have cut strips 9cm minus the thickness of the front and back arch way.

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/Cantina/cantinacorner-242.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

next i chopped those strips in to little bits with my trusty axe as my spoon was not shinny enough... you could use a hand saw (it will take you months) or a jigsaw or chop saw or a cold saw....

Dont worry about getting them any where near perfect as you are gonna cover these in a load of wack later this evening.. these will form the structure of your arch way... I will be back later gotta see my psychologist and have a lay down :)

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/Cantina/cantinacorner-243.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

ahhh cheers Feroze well I will post the next steps quick before I go!

Ususing all the wee bits glue em round the inside of the arch, dont be to worries about perfection its not the Death Star we are building ladies. Glue, with PVA or if your impatient use a glue gun... I am using a glue gun... make sure the is a wee gap between the outside edge of the arch the blocks you are sticking in.

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/Cantina/cantinacorner-244.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/Cantina/cantinacorner-245.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/Cantina/cantinacorner-246.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/Cantina/cantinacorner-247.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Chalmun aint got nothing on you.
Tatooine's finest builder...!!
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Amazing to see the process!!!

And Dorgs... this shot is brilliant; looks like a screengrab :rock

Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Ahhh cheers chaps well I back from therapy and all is well. She is very good, although there is something very off about the gal... she is unusually flat chested, nearly always wears a chaps suit,has a full beard and very thin hair, she also has a very deep voice for a fella. Ah well back to the build... now I do hope we are keeping up[ at home and you asked your parents permission before using any sharp spoons or proton laser cutters, darn things can have your eye out!!

So with all the bits glues in place add a couple of wee supports... Noe Enaud said about using ply wood, which is a brilliant idea, its much lighter and the thin stuff is quite flexible, that guy is a true craftman... where as I am a BUTCHER!!!!

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/Cantina/cantinacorner-248.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/Cantina/cantinacorner-249.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Placing the top piece on I would clamp it together, or get your ow so over weight mother in law to sit her spongey buttocks on it and use either PVA or your trusty glue gun to stick it all together!
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

This is awesome man - with this tutorial you might just inspire me to jump in and build one as well! Thanks for putting it up.

Do you have the dimensions for the rest of the front wall for the cut -out?

Where do you guys usually pick up LED's for the walls and such?

Does it make me un-American if I actually think it's easier to measure in cm than fractions of an inch?
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

hahah no it does not make you a turn coat!!!

And YOU must have a go at this you must.... PLEASE....

I will stick up a new image with the dimensions on in a mo if it helps....
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

sorry for the delay not as quick on ai as I used to be!!

now all these measurements are open to your interpretation and plead dont think that my stuff is spot on as its not (ever wonder why I take pictures in the dark!!!) But they will give you a guide line. Also you really dont have to be to precious with this build, its a cantina with rough walls.

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/Cantina/cantinaplans-2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Does it make me un-American if I actually think it's easier to measure in cm than fractions of an inch?

If that is what you think don't worry,you are not alone.
I would much rather use metric as opposed to inches.Adding & subtracting is so much easier & quicker dealing with decimels & units based on 10.

I recall being told in grade school that the US was going to change over.Why we didn't convert is beyond me.F___fractions!
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Excellent - Thanks for the new image! I like my exact dimensional measurements (damn architecture school!) and I'll never feel like mine's right without them. Even if there's interpretation to be had, at least it gives a solid framework to work with.

This is too cool a project not to get into and with the tutorial you just make it too easy for the rest of us - so how could anyone say no?

Besides, I love my Greedo and he's got to have a proper place to sit!

If that is what you think don't worry,you are not alone.
I would much rather use metric as opposed to inches.Adding & subtracting is so much easier & quicker dealing with decimels & units based on 10.

I recall being told in grade school that the US was going to change over.Why we didn't convert is beyond me.F___fractions!

Agreed! We need to start a movement - we were lied to about the adoption of the metric system for years over here!
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

hahha i believe I may have opened a metric can of worms!!!!! I should have numbered the pics so its easier to follow! I am o chuffed you are gonna have a we bash Ultimate! puts a big ol smile on my beardy wee face... humm I must have a shave...

well with everything in place its taking shape.. I now need to cut down the outside of mine as I did not do that at the start and figure out the inside area which will be bigger than my first two....

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/Cantina/cantinacorner-250.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<img src="https://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq132/Dorgmal/Cantina/cantinacorner-251.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Re: 1/6 Cantina Booth

Please note that is all as rough as a badgers bottocks!! but this is the beauty of this project... is does not matter and I do not want any one to be put off thinking hat its to technical or any thing like that.. I just want folks to GET STUCK IN.....