Yeah. They made some sweet-a**-macho-bulls**t-action-goodness in the 80's and early 90's, but then the genre kinda hit a pothole. Props to The Expendables for trying to bring some of it back. Even a little.
Maybe once a year I get the urge to dig out my Arnie Blu-ray/dvd collection and return to the 80's. To the time when everything was simple in life. As I've said before most watched Arnie-classics would be Terminator2/Commando/Predator/True lies/ maybe even in that order.
I own all his movies and I have later grown to like The Last Action hero/Red Heat/Kindergarten cop, but by the time we get to Eraser(1996)/End of Days(1999)/6th Day(2000)/Collateral Damage(2002)/Terminator3(2003), something already seems to be missing.
Those movies just dont have the feeling of nostalgy to them (not for me anyways). Like the "everything was better in the old days" stuff our fathers and grandfathers used to tell us.
Thanks for all the feedback guys.
But now someone has uploaded a pic of my unfinished figure, on Hot Toys facebook-page. I really didn't appreciate this

not in it's
unfinished form and without giving me anykind of credit for it. Yes, there's my sig on the pic, but still, most users seem to have dyslexia, as they seem to think it is an up-coming Hot Toys product.
Please delete it. You know who you are.
Finished pics coming soon I hope. Though the valmet is giving me a bit of a headache...