1/6 DID US Ranger Captain Miller (Tom Hanks, Saving Private Ryan)

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If it wasn't for the fact I love HT's licenses I would have DiD as my favorite figure company. Granted, the DX Joker and the latest shots of the T-800 1:6 Arnie make a huge argument that HT is still king. Now we'll see if HT T-800 Arnie can look as great in person as he does in the promos.
Gear/kit looks top-notch. Headsculpt looks way off. Definitely trying to get around the licensing issues by not sculpting "Hanks", but his stunt-double instead.
I dunno....the helmet looks to big IMO.....but it still looks good, other than the fact that it looks nothing like him. But the stubble effect is really awesome!
soldier story looks more like tom hanks and got the nude miller ss body for 14 bucks heres my miller bash and weathered him a bit





That looks nothing like Tom Hanks...honestly.
Sorry, but DID nailed Hanks perfectly.

Complaining about the eyes? He doesn't sleep much and he's in a war for God sakes. Hanks doesn't have the skinny face he used to either. DID got the older Hanks down! You could kitbash a great Michael Sullivan from "Road to Perdition" with this figure also.

Already planned out my 1/6 budget, and this complicates things a little.
Yea this figure is awesome and its a very good Hanks likeness, i will be picking this guy up to go with my Ricky Foster.
IMO it's how far apart the eyes are that's throwing off the likeness.




Makes a big difference in the likeness, at least to me.
I think this figure looks great. You look at him and know exactly who he represents. I ordered him and T-Booker Ex. today.

Has Daniel Jackson been released yet? I've seen pictures of Pvt. Jackson but can't seem to find him in stock anywhere. Thanks
I don't collect military figures, but this is tempting. Price relative to quality this may be one of the finest 1:6 figures ever made.

Actually if they release Matt Damon :love, then I might have to buy one.
Great sculpt, but I think Damon wore less make-up in SPR.


the sculpt looks good but i remember tom hanks was a little more chubbier in the film. maybe they slimmed him down to avoid likeness issues? we still need a good tom hanks head. the longbow headsculpt was really nice but it was way undersized
That uniform needs some serious weathering.

Totally thinking the same thing. The tailoring is very nice, pretty cool details, my only nitpick is that the gas brassard on his arm looks so much like regular cotton - because it is! Which is incorrect, it should be a thin wax paper like substance look
This guys already out! I just ordered him along with a longbow studios Hanks headsculpt.

Under $150 for a perfect John Miller is ok with me.
How about this?

Eh, getting there, let's really see what you got :whip :lol can you make the gas brassard on his arm look like paper? :naughty
Come to think of it, did he even have that in the film? It's correct for DDay and he should but did he? Can't say i've ever noticed, they are alot more previlant and noticeable in band of brothers