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Do you have anything for the 1/4 Dark Knight figures?
I will, Dylan. I have the 1/4 Joker from HT ordered and will probably use a simple black stand for him but I’ll also be making a street style stand for the “hit me!” scene. I’m style trying to find a 1/4 TDK Bats within my budget.
Those pics aren't working for me for some reason.
How’s this coming along? [emoji1374][emoji389]
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Do you have any stands to replace the lackluster stands that come with the Mondo Masters of the Universe figures? A green castle stone theme for heroes and a slimey purple rock base for villains would be awesome.
Do you have any stands to replace the lackluster stands that come with the Mondo Masters of the Universe figures? A green castle stone theme for heroes and a slimey purple rock base for villains would be awesome.
Still loving your custom display stands on Yoda and the Droids.
Are you by any chance making removable 'toppers' like the ones included with RotJ Luke and the Rogue One figures? You know, like the set you made for the TFA figures. TLJ bases are a bit different too.
I feel these stands would benefit greatly from your work.
And do you also offer Dagobah bases in 6x4 format (Ben Kenobi for instance).