1/6 Doctor Who Figures - BCS and everything else

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I paid my last instalment for the Definitive 12 this month. And I’ll get him in ~2 years. Best 350€ (and I still have to pay shipping and taxes) I’ve ever spent… Let’s just hope they come out fine.
K-9 is also in there somewhere in the backlog as it has now passed his original ETA.

Let's not count our chickens before they hatch. I would love to see the 6th Doctor arrive this year but I'm not holding my breath.

I think we just need to accept it'll be early 2024 for these figures. If they appear earlier that's a bonus.

At least we've got the 4th Doctor and other Who figures which will finally be out this year.
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Daleks were also slated for Q3 or 4 2022 (I don't remember which). I am hoping that still holds. 🤞
Very much doubt it. The Tom Baker figure is at least a year late and BCS tell me it's being produced this summer for autumn release. The Daleks I wouldn't expect until late next year.
I've cancelled all my orders with them, I've lost faith in the company.

I had so much money tied up with them; and with an imminent recession, I did not want to lose it all when they go belly-up.

I don't know how they were able to rush out those cheap, ugly Daleks and other repulsive bobble-heads (which are peg-warmers in B&M).
I understand they were trying to 'spend money to make money' in order to make cash for the short-term whilst more expensive projects were being made in China, but honestly, those bobble-heads were a serious misstep.

If they can afford to rush out those ugly, cheap-looking bobble-heads, they could have easily made some small plastic accessory packs or add-ons for the Doctor Who line which would have sold like hot cakes!

Big Chief are not only on their last legs but are quickly on running out of good-will from their customers too.
I've cancelled all my orders with them, I've lost faith in the company.

I had so much money tied up with them; and with an imminent recession, I did not want to lose it all when they go belly-up.

I don't know how they were able to rush out those cheap, ugly Daleks and other repulsive bobble-heads (which are peg-warmers in B&M).
I understand they were trying to 'spend money to make money' in order to make cash for the short-term whilst more expensive projects were being made in China, but honestly, those bobble-heads were a serious misstep.

If they can afford to rush out those ugly, cheap-looking bobble-heads, they could have easily made some small plastic accessory packs or add-ons for the Doctor Who line which would have sold like hot cakes!

Big Chief are not only on their last legs but are quickly on running out of good-will from their customers too.

I’m good still waiting. Sucks that you canceled, but I understand.
I don't mind waiting either it's the lack of updates that gets me...just some rough estimates of when we can hope to get the figures would be nice, they used to send out update emails but there haven't been any for a while. I had a look over the weekend and have got 6 figures on order with them, all now fully paid off...so that's a lot of my (and others) money that they have and no idea when I might get them. I realise that the circumstances are and have been out of their control but all this silence isn't good. :(

I can fully understand why some people would cancel their orders.
Big Chief:
Dear Customer,
It has been a while since our last production email and we know that you guys are well overdue an update. We have heard you and you are not being ignored, we promise you.
So why are the products taking so long?
When can you expect the next pre-ordered items?
What will the next pre-order figure(s) be and what date will the pre-order commence?
All perfectly reasonable questions. So let me do my best to answer them…
So why are the products taking so long?
As I feel sure many of you know manufacturing across numerous industries is still very much suffering from the effects of the global pandemic. The multitude of knock-on problems have ranged from supply chain constraints, governmental restrictions on energy usage, labour issues, increases in material costs, vastly increased freight charges and ongoing lockdowns in China.
More excuses I hear you cry. Fact is the effects of COVID 19 are still very much a reality for most companies, including tech giants who are unable to secure sufficient chipsets for their computers, smart devices and game consoles; even the car industry is struggling. The Chinese government’s zero-COVID policy is according to WHO (World Health Organisation), not sustainable and is creating more problems than solving them.
For many this is difficult to accept given that here in the UK we are largely through the worst effects of the virus and life has all but returned to normal. So, it is understandable that people will question the validity of apportioning blame, but the simple truth is there for anyone who watches the news.
Throughout the latter half of 2021 when our vendors should have been completing our James Bond Dr. No and Flash Gordon figures, the factory was reduced to operating to only two working days a week due to restricted access to energy. This resulted in extending the production lead-times even further, eventually completing the goods just prior to Chinese New Year only this year.
Our figures are manufactured at a factory that also produces figures for several other sixth scale companies including industry leaders Hot Toys. Any delay will result in a knock-on effect to not only Big Chief’s, but also other companies’ production schedules. It stands to reason those losses suffered by vendors need to be covered as quickly as possible, meaning the factory prioritises larger production runs over smaller volume orders. Niche brands such as our licenses inevitably suffer.
Coupled with yet more delays due to local lockdowns, only last month our factory was forced to closed their doors for a week, due to an outbreak of COVID in their area.
When can you expect the next pre-ordered items?
We know how eager you all are to receive your collectables. I promise you no one is keener to deliver our products than the Big Chief team. We are not happy about increased delays and having to go into detail about the issues we face.
Our vendors are currently working on the following figures…
Peaky Blinders Tommy Shelby
Peaky Blinders Arthur Shelby
Laurel & Hardy Stand Laurel and Oliver Hardy Box Set
Doctor Who Fourth Doctor Definitive Series
Space 1999 Commander John Koenig
The next figures due for release will be the Peaky Blinders, with the Fourth Doctor and Commander Koenig following shortly after. Tommy and Arthur are on track to be shipped by the end of August. Stan and Ollie shipping by the end of November, with the Fourth Doctor and Koenig by the end of December. The Gerry Anderson figures will follow Chinese New Year in 2023.
I have included several pre-production images showing costumes and first shots. Please bear in mind that these are not final and should not be judged as final by any means. Rather more I wanted to show you that production is very much underway, albeit at different stages.
What will the next pre-order figure(s) be and what date will the pre-order commence?
Simply put we are holding off on any new sixth scale pre-orders for the time being, preferring to concentrate our efforts on production and to clear as much of the backlog as possible. We understand how frustrating it is for customers having to wait, only to receive news of further delays. We can only apologise and assure you that we are working to deliver your products as quickly as we can.
Yours sincerely
Mark and the Big Chief Team

No 6th Doctor this year. Not happy about that. It went up for pre-order October 2020 and it's looking like Speing 2023 at the earliest.
From the sample pics of the other lines in their update, the fit on their clothing is still pretty terrible compared to stuff like hot toys. I was hoping they would start improving, but looks the same. At this rate, it'd sure be nice of them to offer some kind of freebie for those who put a lot into preorders that will have been sitting for years. Even a discount would be nice
To be honest their update was what I expected, except I thought 6 would make it before Christmas, so I’m not further disappointed.

Moreover, it’s unfortunate that Dr Who HAS become niche again since the BBC has allowed its ruin (the fact they can’t sell out the low numbers of any of the limited edition definite series doctors after 9 months says all we need to know about the state of Who.) Manufacturers in China will of course treat BC as a less important client and take longer with their figures. I don’t think any of this is incompetence, it’s simply bad luck with the continued insane Covid shut downs in China and the reality of the world’s declining situation.

Considering they’ve been openly saying 2024 for the definitive series (when asked at least) since announcement it was clear the Master, Daleks, Jack etc were going to be 2023, so again the update is no surprise. At least we finally get the definitive Tom for Christmas, if they do indeed manage that. I can’t wait for that figure.

They’re also being sensible not announcing any new preorders considering their backlog. They could add more and more, go bust and take the money and run. That fact they’re not doing that gives me confidence they’re doing their best.

As for the bobble heads, Peaky Blinder little figures and Only Fools And Horses rubbish, they’re clearly much much easier to get made and they bring desperately needed money for the company so they can get through the current situation.

It’s a shame but I actually have faith BigChief are legit and will deliver. They’re just fighting a very tough battle right now, as many companies have been and if they haven’t yet they’re about to as the world’s situation gets a lot worse before better.
Did anyone else get the "BY INVITATION ONLY" e-mail from BCS?

I see they have/had 50 pieces each of the original Doctors run from the 4th Dr to the 12th. Was hoping to pick up another Tom, but alas it sold out pretty quick😞

Wasn't ZAVVI supposed to be distributing these??:confused:
I got one too, but didn’t buy any as already have most of them (except 11 but I’m getting the definitive version so didn’t bother). I wondered about the Zavvi thing too, thought it a bit odd - and they all seem to be out of stock on the Zavvi site now. :unsure: