1/6 Doctor Who Figures - BCS and everything else

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I heard back from my bank regarding my charge disputes: denied.

Whelp, there I go.
That’s not completely unexpected for an initial request, but you should definitely fight for this more. Call them and talk to some real people and their managers. I can’t believe there aren’t more protections in place for scenarios like this.
I also think there should be more protection. I'm not sure how though. If the banks or government guarantee all consumer spending, it's open to fraud and the money has to come from somewhere - the consumer/public purse. It's a horrible situation all round. Any monies recovered from BCS from sale of assets should go to customers first and not suppliers.

Don't give up pursuing your banks/card issuers.
It's amazing how unprotected pre-orders are. Prior to this event, I figured that all purchases that never came to fruition would be automatically refunded. But by using pre-order deposit money to develop and market future figures, it makes me realize how close this whole process is to what is essentially a ponzi scheme.
Yep. I will never choose a Flexpay option with anyone ever again.

This has certainly put me off ever doing this and I've come close a few times. Only ever pay deposits now, and even that can be a (you know) if anything goes wrong and you lose it. Better to just put your money aside if you need to do this sort of thing and keep it in a safe separate place.
Gee whiz Customs designed most if not all of Big Chief's costumes. Photos are posted on their Facebook page for Space 1999, Bond, Doctor Who, Flash Gordon, etc. However, the only one available to buy yourself from Gee Whiz is the Definitive Fourth Doctor costume. And that has been available for a year or more now. So I would assume that Big Chief never had anything beyond the one Fourth Doctor prototype and didn't even pay Gee Whiz for the patterns to use in mass production. The Fourth, Sixth, and Master were never coming.

The K-9 figure which required full payment or a payment plan never materialized. And as a small static figure that should have been very easy to complete relatively quickly in a factory.

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I enquired about a season 14/15 coat from GEEWHIZ a few years back, but unfortunately for me they were way too exspensive.:(

Has anyone bought that season 18 costum from GEEWHIZ ? It looks like that's the only option left now to cobble together that look for Tom.
I enquired about a season 14/15 coat from GEEWHIZ a few years back, but unfortunately for me they were way too exspensive.:(

Has anyone bought that season 18 costum from GEEWHIZ ? It looks like that's the only option left now to cobble together that look for Tom.

They are very expensive. I emailed them recently and they sent a quote with no pressure to buy. I asked about the first season Lynda Carter Wonder Woman costume, which was recently added. And it is $645 plus $145 shipping and $50 for a body (unless you send them one). Adding a cape and skirt is another $200 0r $300 as I recall. Beautiful work, but very pricey.
When this all kicked off, I emailed Geewhiz about their 6th Doctor outfit. $1250. The craziest part is that I’m still considering it… 😵‍💫 (not that I can afford it)
I really hope another company comes through…