Wooo! I knew it would convert. Anyone know if you can change to flex pay if you went on the WL?
I ordered before it went to waitlist and wanted to change to flex pay but couldn't. Then I was able to after it went back up for pre order. I'm not sure if you were on the waitlist though.
Yeah I wasn't expecting this to go on WL as quick as it did so I went on the WL and just got the email that it converted but obviously you gotta use a CC to go on WL so I'm not sure if I can change to flex pay since it's back up for PO
Quick conversion , hope they aren't just making more
I cancelled my waitlist order and just pre ordered again with some reward points and flex schedule.
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Why would this be a bad thing? More people who want it have the chance to buy it at retail price - Sideshow & Hot Toys make more money. Everyone besides scalpers win. Not seeing a problem here.