Wooo! I knew it would convert. Anyone know if you can change to flex pay if you went on the WL?
Did anyone get offered a discount code when you ordered?
And even though I signed up for HTs' newsletter or upcoming releases whatever nothing from them Sideshow's on point but not HTs. Must've came out earlier tonight? Anyway they better include Mr. Luna's head as a surprise or reveal it cause we all saw his face and plus without him and show's director, as he was perfect for playing Robbie Reyes, Ghost Rider's rep in Marvel Cinematic wouldn't have been repaired so yeah it'd be a pretty big deal to miss his portrait. Getting cut short here I mean if the car is a separate buy fine cause they're not in their old days where they would include a vehicle like Nicholas Cage Ghost Rider and extra accessories rights are usually reserved for Iron Man now but hey that car was pretty hard to miss so either separate or include and Bump up that price tag some.
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I'm almost positive that there is no way this thing will come with a Robbie head sculpt as it's not mentioned in the specs and there's a huge difference between adding a battle-damaged chest piece to an Iron Man figure and adding a completely new head sculpt to a figure from a show that not everybody loves and they still haven't actually released or put up a PO for the BvS Batmobile even though that was teased there is no way a Robbie Reyes vehicle is going to make it to production let alone even a prototype if it does then I'll eat my words but make no mistake I am a AoS fan and am glad that this figure is being released if anything hopefully it'll lead to a Daisy release but who knows
I'm almost positive that there is no way this thing will come with a Robbie head sculpt as it's not mentioned in the specs and there's a huge difference between adding a battle-damaged chest piece to an Iron Man figure and adding a completely new head sculpt to a figure from a show that not everybody loves and they still haven't actually released or put up a PO for the BvS Batmobile even though that was teased there is no way a Robbie Reyes vehicle is going to make it to production let alone even a prototype if it does then I'll eat my words but make no mistake I am a AoS fan and am glad that this figure is being released if anything hopefully it'll lead to a Daisy release but who knows
I'll admit only a fan when season 4 hit cause that's when I started watching it but nonetheless a fan. I don't know why ppl hate the show bash on it say that it's a piece of trash. Honestly for the budget they work on decent and satisfactory. Love how they work under the lines of the big Marvel Cinematic universe referencing it and keeping remnants of Hydra or other terrorist organizations that want to try and go superpowered, or just trying to grow without superpowers, in check. Yeah I know about the licensing thing different from a small chest piece but still you never know secret addition maybe???! As you said though most likely not happening to be honest I'm glad he's out as I want a Ghost Rider the Nicholas Cage one is too expensive so missed on that. Plus I've been anticipating this figure for awhile ever since I saw season 4 from the beginning so yeah might add him to collection plus I like Ghost Rider and know general stuff about Robbie Reyes from comics don't have any but make it a business to know about our most recent Ghost Rider. hope one of these ppl like Onesixthkit does a Gabriel Luna head like Chadwick Boseman Head for BP. What's your take on the skull rugged looking enough like a skull? Mouth opens wide enough or too small? Or all too early to tell as it is a prototype? I think they should go the extra mile to at least get the licensing for Gabriel Luna's portrait as it's ppl' money and it would add extra depth to the figure.
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Lol. I've been a fan from the beginning. Love where it's at now. Season 4 was one of the best yet imo. Gabriel Luna was great. I was anticipating hating the addition of GR, as I thought the CG needed would be way out of AoS's ability, but they pulled it off. And his portrayal of the rider was one of my favorite aspects of season 4.
As for the figure? I think the skull looks fine and will articulate as much as people need it to. Fire effects are always iffy. I suppose if it illuminates brightly enough then it'll look good. Adding his portrait would of course be a great addition to this release, but being honest, without the flaming head, most people would have no idea who he is, let alone if you have him displayed next to the likes of RDJ, Evans, Hemsworth, Johansson, Pratt, etc. (maybe Gabriel Luna is a bigger star than I give him credit for, but TBH I never heard of him until the show).
Boo Freakin' Hoo!yeah it's a bad thing. I want low editions and my collectibles worth money.