1/6 Hot Toys - DX23 - The Mandalorian: Luke Skywalker (DELUXE VERSION)

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I feel like you can’t not get this, even though I wasn’t the biggest fan of Luke turning up I can’t deny it was such a pivotal moment in the show.

Yeah Favreau single handedly fixed Luke's character post ROTJ, what a waste of time.

I bet you thought Bo Katan and Ahsoka were great though...
Yeah Favreau single handedly fixed Luke's character post ROTJ, what a waste of time.

I bet you thought Bo Katan and Ahsoka were great though...
Yeah, if you were super into Star Wars and really wanted an R2 you would have bought it. R2 is probably the most universally loved character in the entire damn saga for f*** sake
I like R2, but he’s not really my favourite by a long shot. Pretty low on my priority list.
The thing is I do not care for all those trillion little pieces which are include in DX version. I want a simple release in a double pack for example. And no, I would never ever buy anything with Ep VII+ on the box :D

I had to get two because of the mass of gadgets and opening panels. An exploded Swiss army knife for Endor, and a more vanilla Artoo for Hoth.


I have a couple of Sideshow Artoos - one displayed with the serving tray - and while he does the job, the HT looks so much better.

Sideshow's R5-D4 was also more impressive than their R2-D2.

Unless HT add the pins to Artoo's shoulders, I'd think a Mandalorian release would be a re-release of this one without all the gadgets.
I had to get two because of the mass of gadgets and opening panels. An exploded Swiss army knife for Endor, and a more vanilla Artoo for Hoth.

View attachment 533291

I have a couple of Sideshow Artoos - one displayed with the serving tray - and while he does the job, the HT looks so much better.

Sideshow's R5-D4 was also more impressive than their R2-D2.

Unless HT add the pins to Artoo's shoulders, I'd think a Mandalorian release would be a re-release of this one without all the gadgets.

I have done almost the same thing as you have.
Yay! A gloved grip hand, something the ROTJ Jedi Luke was sorely lacking :lol I'll definitely be buying this!

Possibly the best part of that release. Wondering how long parted out hand will last at Toy Anxiety with every single collector trying to complete their ROTJ sets.
Personally I don’t see what there is to get excited about this release if you already own either of the previous ROTJ Lukes. I already have the first ROTJ and deluxe Endor figures so I am more than set. If anything I may pick up the new head sculpt and cloak down the line. Sure, the outfit is slightly different underneath but you would never be able to tell with the cloak on anyways. And I already have like 5 Grogus at this point too 🤣
I hope now that they hired that Shamrook Deep Faker, that they fix Luke in Mando. He already did it in his YT vid, imagine what he can do with Lucasfilm tech.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a release that hasn’t been torn apart based on headsculpt (Yondu?),

And now this ones “so bad” that people are happy with the ROTJ one they didn’t like before?

While this wasn't originally on my radar, I'll probably pick up the Deluxe since it's two years out and the crushed Dark Trooper is a great feature. I actually think the sculpt looks good as it captures CGI Luke. I still don't understand why HT (or anyone for that matter) hasn't been able to produce a good Farmboy Luke portrait. Maybe there's something about young, wide-eyed Hamill that's tough to capture.
Much to my collectors shame I don't have a single Luke in my collection so this is a worthwhile release for me.
The headsculpt does look like like his appearance in The Mandalorian so can't grumble about that.
Price will dictate which version I get.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a release that hasn’t been torn apart based on headsculpt (Yondu?),

And now this ones “so bad” that people are happy with the ROTJ one they didn’t like before?

You must be new here. Seems like every sculpt gets torched. No win situation for Hot Toys. I think some just need to get it out of their system half the time. There is times where it is warranted though.
Hopefully, this Luke is taller/larger than his previous version. It's like Hot Toys used their usual female body for Jedi Luke. ROTJ Mark was never the biggest guy but the figure was just so petite.
If I decide to get this I think it’ll be the non-deluxe version. I don’t really care about the Dark Trooper piece much. It’ll depend on the price difference.

Honestly as hyped as people are for this it really doesn’t scream must-have to me. I have Jedi Luke twice over, and aside from having a new sculpt and the black cloak there’s not a ton of accessories to make it super desirable.
This is what I was afraid of ... they would actually try and match the CGI Luke head, instead of making it look like ROTJ Luke. It ends looking less like who it's supposed to look like in the first place.

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