S. Griffin
Super Freak
Iron Batman Trooper
It might be the lighting, angle, w/e, but I swear that's not the endo skull on the 1/4 we actually got. Head looks slightly wider.
Yeah. It's not a great picture but I have a suspicion that head is better than what we got.
yep, that was one of my first reactions to that photo. but lots of missing hoses and hydraulic, including the neck/face area, might cause that effect, making it look strange.
look at the pelvis hydraulics joints. they are double joints like on 1/4 skeleton, allowing more movement freedom. movie skeleton didn't have them, and old 1/6 didn't.Also, I'm almost 100% sure that 1/6 "prototype" is simply the first release endo just chromed and with a head photoshopped on.
Tell them to release it so we can see for ourselves, and you can definitively prove me wrong.
i really hope it's a joke that i don't get (as in 90% of cases). different pelvis cylinders joints are perfectly seen on that photo.Tell them to release it so we can see for ourselves, and you can definitively prove me wrong.
i really hope it's a joke that i don't get (as in 90% of cases). different joints are perfectly seen on that photo.
unless it is a completely photoshopped photo of 1/4, just scaled.
phew!It was definitely a joke. I saw the extra joints.
You guys are right. The head on the 1/4 is completely different. It's easily noticeable that the entire jaw and teeth are different, but, also, the forehead/top of the skull was stretched vertically to be more in line with the T2 skull. The T1 skull was a bit shorter and rounder.
Also, I'm almost 100% sure that 1/6 "prototype" is simply the first release endo just chromed and with a head photoshopped on. It looks more like the T1 rod puppet because the original release endo, I believe, was made using some T1 reference, and the T1 endos had several small differences. A big one being a slightly smaller, more rounded chest piece. The T2 endos had a slightly more hard edge to them.
It's dem cheekbones. I don't have it in front of me and frankly I really don't even look at it behind all my Arnies, but from what I recall, the 1/4's head width is almost he same from chin to the top of it's head.
While Sigourney was cute when she was younger, she definitely need to do squats.
That's one of the things I have on my list of things to fix. Widen the cheekbones slightly.
I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers.