Just to add regarding Timewalker... the free shipping does not require $350 in a single order. If you select to bundle for free shipping they will hold your items, like BBTS pile of loot, until you have $350 or more in purchased product. Once you reach that they will automatically send it all to you free. There are some exceptions for oversized items but those are clearly labeled and are always shipped separately.
They are also the only store I have seen that gives automatic discounts off of the price (and no they don't bump up the price to make it seem like a discount). Basically rewards points without having to accumulate rewards points.
So by going through them you get an upfront discount, no sales tax, and free shipping if you bundle. They also double box everything unless you get a large freight drop like the Batmobile or something. I've also only dealt with companies that are equal to them in customer service, never better.