I just got an extra Bespin/Mando Luke sculpt in the other day to throw on my ROTJ Luke, it looks amazing. I REALLY don’t get why Hot Toys chose to retool their pretty mid ANH proto from almost 10 years ago.
Doesn't matter if the headsculpt is a failure.
Though I'm sure people will still get it and swap heads.
Im slightly seeing Sebastian Stan more than Hamill in the sculpt lol.
Hmm I wanna see if the Artisan comes with a fancier base because the price difference isnt worth it .
So confirmed no pleather. Wonder if they’re moving away from it now.
Getting some serious Tom Cruise Lestat/Interview with a Vampire vibes from these pics.
been like that since the latest Obiwan Vader.So confirmed no pleather. Wonder if they’re moving away from it now.
Cam Kennedy is an amazing artist. Love his Boba Fett run.
I still have my Mando Luke boxed up sans sculpt (which I'm using on my ROTJ Luke), and I was thinking that I might use parts of it to make a Dark Empire inspired Luke of my own in the future.
Now that I see this version, it's not doing much for me though.
I think part of the reason though is that they based it on one of the covers instead of the actual comic art. If I recall correctly, he never had those Vader parts - belt & cod piece - in the actual comic.
If going for the comic look, he should also have a big wired cape to drape dramatically around him.