Looks good. Glad they finally get her a figure. The thing that scares me most about that photo...I have them all either bought of on order. Guess when someone asks if I have a savings account I should just show that photo. Lol
They all look great though. Nice to get a shot with Hb and the team to give scale.
Ohh wow. She looks amazing. The headsculpt is dead on!
It does imply there won't be a Quicksilver (I'd rather have the X version anyway) but the pic also doesn't include Veronica, which we know is coming too - so perhaps they just left him out?
However I'd have to say it's a smart move by HT. Boring costume - character probably not coming back and the rival version is heaps better.
I don't think Quicksilver's absence in the photo means no Quicksilver. They haven't unveiled Ultimate Ultron either.
It just means they haven't finished the prototype.
Sculpted hair which is a bonus. Hope they move away from rooted hair all together.
I don't think Quicksilver's absence in the photo means no Quicksilver. They haven't unveiled Ultimate Ultron either.
It just means they haven't finished the prototype.
I don't think Quicksilver's absence in the photo means no Quicksilver. They haven't unveiled Ultimate Ultron either.
It just means they haven't finished the prototype.