Looking for some opinions - help needed...
I've got the Jabba The Hutt set up with Bib Fortuna from 2006 and am seriously thinking I want the HT Boba Fett in his place.
Not sure if it'll look right without Fortuna...
There's only enough space on the throne for one full size figure to the right of Jabba.
Now that HT are delving deeply into the background characters - Bib Fortuna could well get remade (future upgrade?) - so I am more inclined to let Bib go, nice as it is - the figures from 2006 are a looking a little dated imo.
It's a dilemma!
Has anyone photographed the ROTJ Fett with the SSC Jabba set-up?
I don't think Bib is particularly high on HT priorities list. HT is probably betting people will want to army build a few of those Death Star Troopers/gunners/Snow Troopers, which is what made them so appealing. Its easy to see what motivates HT character choices
And looks like they have already started making repaints/mods of the Gonk droid, sure enough we can expect to see the Gold chrome version as next years con exclusive