Been doing a lot of work on my ROTJ SE Fett since I last posted.
So far I have completed:
Weathered the rifle
Weathered flight suit with powdered pastels
Weather gloved hands with a wash to bring out detail
Made glove “cuffs” to help hide black wrist pegs
Tightened the outer sleeves on the flight suit for tighter fit around biceps
Painted “metal” parts (knee darts,toe spikes,etc)with Molotow chrome paint
Dyed medium brown braid to dark brown
Trimmed about 1/8” of plastic, from circumference of the right gauntlet to make it fit tight around the arm
Added larger steel tube barrels to left gauntlet
Repainted weathering on both gauntlets to match screen used armor better
Repainted gauntlet tubes, now figure has one tube on each gauntlet
Tightened cod piece armor by adding an extra hole on each side so it fits snug on waist.
Trimmed “fat suit” so it is only around the torso.
Not shown in these pics but I’ve also completed:
Leather girth belt straps
Brass buckles on girth belt
Metal jet pack loops
Added lower metal loop to jet pack, with Velcro belt under the armor vest, so jet pack now hangs in the correct position. (Removed magnetic mount from jet pack)
Painted jet pack straps gray
Painted knee armor straps gray
Still left to do:
Painted added weathering details to helmet
Add extra ammo pouches to belt
Weather ammo pouches and belt