Love the lighting there! Not sure if intentional, but the greenish light in that photo looks awesome.
Here's a little eye modification I thought I'd share. (I've expanded on the process a little more in my customs thread...)
My aim was to create eyes that had a little more life (when switched off) and not so bright when on. I'm pretty pleased with the result.
Not that the figure isn't great right out of the can, but you know... I can't leave well enough alone
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Thanks, I have one of those colour changing lamps so I can have any colour combo
That looks great, I see you've weathered him too!looks nice and metallic. Wish there was a way to have the lights on all the time without resorting to soap studios prices
Bought one. Missed the mail carrier by 15 minutes. Now it’s gonna be a couple days before I can pick up. Dammit.
This was a late addition thanks to Rogue One aging so well.
Yup, and this character aged very well--thinking back on the three new films the humor with K-2 seems like it'll hold up much better than TLJ say. I'm just thinking now about his line about surviving in space. That'll now be colored a little bit by the controversial Leia seen.