So, anyone heard anything at all? I'm really hoping we hear something soon. Maybe they will reveal them both fully at the same time. I hope so anyway!
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This figure was already fully revealed
Yeah I know, I've got it preorderedI meant to do with the pictures coming back up. And if there's any reason for it? Like updates? Or maybe something to do with the punisher.
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Issues with right holders. Hopefully it will get resolved soon. It would be bummer them canceling Daredevil and next Marvel tv figures.
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Issues with right holders. Hopefully it will get resolved soon. It would be bummer them canceling Daredevil and next Marvel tv figures.
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If this where the case they would pull the sale not the photos. Think about it, what good does pulling the pictures do if you still leave it up for sale? The bvs batman figure had its photos pulled and it clearly had nothing to do with licensing and rights as the figure is out. If it's a rights issue they stop selling it not pull photos. Like diamond select did when their mystique figure was not approved.
Adding a full Charlie Cox sculpt would be nice since he had the mask off in the final fight of Season 2.
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Was trying to figure that out as well. None of my generic codes/box codes work.which coupons? Anyone have a code that would work?
Adding a full Charlie Cox sculpt would be nice since he had the mask off in the final fight of Season 2.
Was trying to figure that out as well. None of my generic codes/box codes work.
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Adding a full Charlie Cox sculpt would be nice since he had the mask off in the final fight of Season 2.
I hate when HT sculpts the faceplate and nails the likeness of a ******* chin and mouth and doesn't make the full head. Case and point: 3 Affleck Batmen and no Bruce Wayne!!!
They need to Alex Murphy that **** yesterday and not give us a Keaton result but a wicked Bruce Wayne with Alfred!
I agree man! Entirely! A figure where he's dressed in that blue vest/suit combo from the beginning in Metropolis? I'd be all over that!
There's KO of that already and theyre pretty good for being KO. I hope the "non-HT" branding isn't what's swaying people from it.
KO? Where's this at?? Headsculpt or figure? There's a headsculpt I'm looking at that'll need a paint up but looks great behind the meh paint job (I hope)