It's not fabric on the endgame costume though. Are you saying you wish the movie costume was like that?
Most areas surrounding the scales and center star were fabric in the real suit. The Endgame suit is basically the Civil War suit with the scales within the perimeter of the chest and shoulder pads. Hot Toys could've screenprinted the scales or used whatever material they used for the exposed areas of the Infinity War suit instead of the solid chunk of plastic they went with. The shoulder pads should've also been a little smaller and sewn into the suit like previous figures instead of the floating piece of sculpted plastic that's plugged into the suit. They've used multiple types of materials for his suits in the past, so it baffles me that they were lazy with his final suit by just sculpting those elements. Look no further than the recent Strike Suit 2.0 where they embedded the soft plastic silver elements with the fabric elements of the suit instead of just sculpting them and placing it on top of everything. It's really neither here nor there b/c they won't revisit that suit anytime soon if at all so it is what it us. But it's still bother's me when I see examples if how they could've achieved a more accurate appearance especially when they've already done so previously.It's not fabric on the endgame costume though. Are you saying you wish the movie costume was like that?