i dig the premium (assuming deluxe too) box. far better than standard. idk what they were thinking with the box art, but who cares about box art. we care about the figure. screw box presentation when you have a pretty figure.
I want to see more of the coat, the coat usually flares out a lot once posing the arms up. i still think its smart of inart to put wires in their coat, something others have yet to attempt. even customs, I don't think use wires for the coat. everyone wants the drape and looks like inart is gonna give it to us. i think they learned to get ahead of the onslaught of initial crappy pictures, which is good. excited. can't wait to receive it. still have no clue or idea where to put the dio but I'll figure something out
hopefully no complaints from people, but I guess we'll just see and wait. it looks very impressive to me as is so far