1/6 INART (Queen Studio) - The Dark Knight - Joker Collectible Figure

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Hey OneSixthKit! Already any canceled orders or overstock that may be available for order? Don’t care if rooted or sculpted as long as it is the premium set.
I would be interested in a sculpted premium edition also as long as the shipping doesn't cost a whole torso. :LOL:
Damn, that is a thing of beauty. I'm almost afraid to ask what the breakdown is of such a figure....What's the breakdown!?
The financial breakdown on cost or the nervous breakdown because of the price + shipping?:giggle:
Honestly the size of the box for the premium edition turned me off so much that I changed it for the standard single version. Now I can sleep with ease again 😂
An InArt Vader wouldn’t even cost that much.
There’s no hair to do, no flesh to paint; it merely takes a company that pays attention to details and cares enough to reproduce them accurately in order to create a quality Vader.
Agreed. Beyond a more accurate sculpt and better robes, the body proportions are the other main area of improvement. But other than the tailoring perhaps being more labor intensive since the fabric is more delicate, it's really the R&D that needs more attention, not the production cost.

Damn, that is a thing of beauty. I'm almost afraid to ask what the breakdown is of such a figure....What's the breakdown!?
Thanks! The base is a HT Vader, with the body heavily modded and the bodysuit resewn. Robes made with better fabric, kaiyodo helmet, hurricane dome, and you're essentially there.
You can check out my customs thread in my sig if you want to know more (and see more pictures).
Agreed. Beyond a more accurate sculpt and better robes, the body proportions are the other main area of improvement. But other than the tailoring perhaps being more labor intensive since the fabric is more delicate, it's really the R&D that needs more attention, not the production cost.

Thanks! The base is a HT Vader, with the body heavily modded and the bodysuit resewn. Robes made with better fabric, kaiyodo helmet, hurricane dome, and you're essentially there.
You can check out my customs thread in my sig if you want to know more (and see more pictures).
Good lord is your Vader a thing of beauty. It's what I envision Inart's version would look like if they were to ever get the license. Really captures that "man in suit" feeling that you never get from Hot Toy's stock Vaders. Beautiful work on that!

One Sixth Kit says he received a small batch of Standard and Premium Jokers
Yup, a tiny batch to be exact

It's critical moment right now, loads of figure release before the chinese new year

We will start to send invoices within this week (For standard version), we are just waiting for the shipper box to arrive

We shipped a few premium version already, processing time for premium version is longer than usual due to it's crazy size
From what I understand, everyone who ordered direct from Queen received their figures in Hong Kong? Surprised there aren't many videos or pictures out as of yet.
Anyone in China who ordered directly from Queen, paid in full within the 3 days window. exclude hong kong
Yup, a tiny batch to be exact

It's critical moment right now, loads of figure release before the chinese new year

We will start to send invoices within this week (For standard version), we are just waiting for the shipper box to arrive

We shipped a few premium version already, processing time for premium version is longer than usual due to it's crazy size

No deluxe yet, kit?
Yup, a tiny batch to be exact

It's critical moment right now, loads of figure release before the chinese new year

We will start to send invoices within this week (For standard version), we are just waiting for the shipper box to arrive

We shipped a few premium version already, processing time for premium version is longer than usual due to it's crazy size
If you do start getting the rooted hair deluxe before CNY is it possible to delay my order until after CNY?
Do you think you'll have any single sculpted extras?
I do expect some cancellations, but I think we will not take more orders for joker all versions

I can't mess my note and order list further, plus I am still frustrating about joker, I dream of the box every night:ROFLMAO:
I do expect some cancellations, but I think we will not take more orders for joker all versions

I can't mess my note and order list further, plus I am still frustrating about joker, I dream of the box every night:ROFLMAO:
Will you be putting up the ones who cancelled for sale at least? Would like to grab a standard sculpted if there's any cancellation.