That is a sharp Jail Joker head. The paint looks thinner than many others I've seen. Maybe photography has a lot to do with how white the face looks.
yea, that's definitely contributing to it. In hand, you can see the subtleties of the varying degrees of how thick and thin the white paint is around the sculpt. It's not just one consistent layer. You can see a bit of flesh under the white if that makes sense? The smirking, interrogation sculpt is still more clean/white than I would prefer though.
For anyone still getting this guy, I’m curious: Are you still as hyped as you were when this was first unveiled? What are your thoughts on this figure now compared to how you felt then?
It still looks fantastic to me, and I still want to try and snag one after selling off some other things soon, but I can’t help but notice a dip in quality.
It blows any of Hot Toys attempts out of the water, and I’m sure for most that’s all it had to do.
It feels like the energy of this thread has definitely changed as more people have received theirs.
I will say that my excitement dipped from getting the invoice up until it arrived. And even when it arrived I wasn't at thrilled as I had hoped I would be. But now, after having had it for a little over a week, I'm thoroughly impressed of the overall quality and glad I got the rooted set. Does it blow HT quality out of the water? Yes and no. Yes, in terms of HT previous TDK Joker attempts, no in terms of the tight QC HT tends deliver time and time again as well nor the updated quality HT seems to be delivering since InArt came onto the scene. Looking at the nice tailoring, paint work, and moveable eyes of the recent DX23 Luke for example, I'd say HT can, if they wanted to, put out a comparable TDK Joker to compete with the sculpted 2 pack from InArt, but without the metal weapons and stupidly large box of course.
Think I'm more exhausted with the discourse and discussion with this figure than anything.

Still hyped for the figure and I just want Kit to ship my double rooted pack so I can finally have it on display. Some people are still flipping back and forth on "The figure looks great there!" and "Oh no the figure looks bad there.." on the daily when they see a bad photo.
Where's that circle chart someone made for this thread going through the stages of grief with this figure. Sums it up quite well.
Yes, I 100% agree. There seems to be a hunt for the worst pics on the internet to prove points of overly large heads, bad tailoring, wonky shoulders, etc. And they tend to be of ppl who didn't do any futzing whatsoever with their figure, especially when putting the heads on. You can tell just by how badly the collar is on some of those pics that ppl didn't bother adjusting the tie and shirt collar and, instead, just forced the head on body. Getting tired of
"I found this ONE pic- and look at the size of the head, the paint, the shirt color, the clothing fit, etc. It looks awful! Idk about this anymore" type posts.
I am very excited but a lot of things have lowered my excitement like the size of the box and the extra costs and now the qc issues I mean look at this
Like someone pointed we have to deal with the problems of this ridiculous box that cant even do its job to protect the figure!
And like you said there is a noticeable dip in quality too even if the figure is still great
I agree about the box. I've said this since out first time seeing a peek at the hard foam trays that they were a bad idea and that the softer foam that HT uses with the DX figures would hold the figure and accessories better. Plus, how the box could've been at least half the size if they made it about the size of DX07 Luke box.
Aside from the QC issues, there is a dip in paint apps on the headsculpt, but I don't think it's as drastic as many bad pictures that have been posted suggest. I think the real stinger is that we were sort of promised this very custom looking paint job, and well we got a factory paint job instead
No I don't mean they could beat rooted hair, but just that all the other things would make up for it. Obviously they've yet to make a better Joker, but they've made plenty of other incredible figures and I hardly ever see issues with oversized heads or funky proportions on those. And when I compare this Inart Joker with some of the other 200+ figures I own, it doesn't jump out as being massively better or higher quality than those.
I think I would agree if I had the sculpted version. But having the rooted, there does, at least for me, have this higher quality vibe to it. When I finally had a chance to really appreciate the hair work, I could understand why ppl pay to have that done to their figures. For many, this is their first, truly, well rooted headsculpt and that is enough to set it apart from any HT figure before. It may be different for you, though, since you're very a talented customizer and futzer. For me personally, I actually don't even want to put this next to the DX19. I thought that once I had the InArt Joker in hand, it would make me want to keep the DX19. Instead, I'm even more eager to see what InArt will do for the TDK suit Batman.
I don't think I'd care about another Ledger after I get this set, even if it was perfect. Maybe in ten years but not now, time for something new.
Mars Toys is creating a buzz with DC fans I've not seen for ages with their Batman 66 and Burtonverse offerings. So much untapped potential with those lines. I noticed they teased Bond earlier to.
Agreed! I can't see myself wanting another Ledger Joker. If/when HT makes one, I might be interested in parts from it to add to this figure, but I can't see myself buying a whole new one after spending so much on this set. If a HT version truly impressed me enough to even consider it, I would just sell this entire set except for the heads
But yea, MarsToys is who really has my attention right now for DC.
EDIT: nevermind, just saw the thread! very excited for those.
And did they mention Bond?! Their tailoring is good enough that it would save me from going the custom route