I finally opened my jokor today but just for a quick inspection. Here is my takeaway. I will share pictures later probably
Normal head
Its really beautiful. There is residue of blu tac but the magnets are there. But I dont know if it matters because there is a problem. The right side above the ear is not rooted

Its just left sculpted and its not painted well. Its the first thing I noticed. I dont know if ai want to go through the trouble to switching because it really is a nice head and I will hate to destroy it. But that part is a problem. If I wanted sculpted hair I could have bought the standard..
Jail head
Its what I expected. Its impressive in person. No Blu tac no problems except a tiny one. The hair on the removable panel is stuck to the hair on the head. Its like the glue is smeared and the hairs are tangled together. Very sloppy but at least it isnt obvious.
The Coat
Much better color then I expected from all the pictures I saw. Closer to purple than to pink
Missing parts
One of my swappable forearms is missing