I'm not hell bent on using the InArt base, but I also don't like the base you're using

I don't mean that offensively btw. I've seen it before, and it's nice enough, but a little too generic for me. I like a good themed base with a nameplate or something similar where the base is specific/particular to a certain character rather than a generic base that would get used across all my figures if that makes sense? I do wish the base wasn't so high and more in line with what they've done for Gandalf, Aragorn, The Batman, BvS Superman and now Phoenix Joker. Something a with a little lower profile.
I actually don't like the whole magnetic feet thing from InArt to be honest. I have no problem with a good crotch grabber base. Just haven't decided what I want to use for this figure yet, therefore still using the InArt one. I only got the WonderWorld shoes b/c I'm still using the InArt base and, at the time, they looked like a good enough upgrade to the InArt shoes. But now that other customizers have made acrylic adapters with a clear post for the InArt base, I may go that route and just pick up some HT shoes when they get released.
Very nice pics btw