1/6 INART (Queen Studio) - The Dark Knight - Joker Collectible Figure

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Not only does it look freaking amazing but it will also have a sentimental value to it.

As far as sentimental value, I had a discussion the other day about how Ledger scratches all the boxes.

The Dark Knight in its own right is a classic film. Historically significant.

The material is rich, the character is great also, but Ledger's take on the role.. would I dare call it the most iconic cinematic portrayal of all time?

I think it is..

Perfect even, and absolutely timeless. A once in a lifetime performance. The stars aligned for this in a way that beats a trilllion to one odds.

Not to mention the character's appearance lends itself perfectly to this craft. It's the ultimate test of sculpture, painting, rooting, and tailoring, and that's leaving out the fun factor, and the endless slew of options from posing and accessories, non of which can fully capture or encapsulate the whole character.

And that's only on the surface. There's also added value for every individual.

Nostalgia being one.

But also speaking for myself as a collector, when my journey began, the DX11 was the best on the market and the most popular release at the time. And for obvious reasons, a Ledger Joker representation was highest on my list of grails. But the DX11 was already sold out, and too expensive at the time. I thought my best course was to wait for the next inevitable release from Hot Toys, crossing my fingers year after year at every Toy Fair event, through which a decade would pass and that would never come.

As I'm approaching my endgame now, much more invested and experienced in the hobby, I guess closing out with a Ledger figure, and what is looking like the best 1/6 figure I will ever own, is a coming full circle moment.

When I'm done I'll be able to say that's the one figure if I had to let go of all the rest. A pinnacle of 1/6 scale, and a faithful representation of one of my favorite characters.

Truly, Ledger's Joker is the exception if one was to over indulge.

I think winning the detonator in a live giveaway is the cherry on top for me.
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As far as sentimental value, I had a discussion the other day about how Ledger scratches all the boxes.

The Dark Knight in its own right is a classic film. Historically significant.

The material is rich, the character is great also, but Ledger's take on the role.. would I dare call it the most iconic cinematic portrayal of all time?

I think it is...
Perfect even. Absolutely timeless. A once in a lifetime performance. The stars aligned for this in a way that beats a trilllion to one odds.

Not to mention the character's appearance lends itself perfectly to this craft. It's the ultimate test of sculpture, painting, rooting, and tailoring, and that's leaving out the fun factor, and the endless slew of options from posing and accessories, non of which can fully capture or encapsulate the whole character.

There's also added value that varies for every individual.

Nostalgia being one.

But also speaking for myself as a collector, when my journey began, the DX11 was the best on the market, and the most popular release at the time. And for obvious reasons, a Ledger Joker representation was highest on my list of grails, but the DX11 was already sold out, and too expensive at the time. So I decided to wait for the next inevitable release from Hot Toys, crossing my fingers year after year at every Toy Fair event, through which a decade would pass and it never came.

As I'm approaching my endgame, I guess closing out with a Ledger figure, and what is looking like the best 1/6 figure I will ever own, is a coming full circle moment.

When I'm done I'll be able to say that's the one if I had to let go of all the rest. A pinnacle of 1/6 scale, and a faithful representation of one of my favorite characters.

Truly, this character is the exception if one was to over indulge.

I think winning the detonator in a live giveaway is also the cherry on top for me.
We're pretty much sharing a similar story with that character.
You said it all in that one post.
When I watch The Dark Knight, I don't see Ledger whatsoever. I see the Joker. Almost as if they were documenting a real character. I can't think of any other instance where the actor completely disappears in the role that way. Blurring the line between fiction and reality.

I could watch any of Ledger's scenes for the 500th time, and I'd still be glued to that screen.

I mean... it's quite a phenomenon. lol
I see a lot of Jokers displayed with a 1/6 oscar trophy. I dig it. But they are difficult to come by. Any leads?
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Aries is working on her second batch atm. I’m on the run. I got Wonder’s full set in last week but haven’t opened it yet. Will post pictures of it soon but it’s already an outfit that’s been dissected down. Most interested in seeing Aries’s in hand.
Great!! How much is Aries' set gonna be? Also really looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the Wonder set.
Just read theough the last pages and the discussion about the different outfits. Is there no love for the work by Kato anymore?
outdated work to me tbh. at the time it was good. shirt pattern was too bright purple, tie was messy, the coat ran into the same issue that many old customs went through with looking like a bathrobe. the only things I like from his set are the pants and waistcoat and those are very easily replicated in today's standards

there's only certain pieces id get from certain sets if the option arises

Ah I see, but any idea how much was the original run bro?
I like my jokor but I want to get a new head for the the jail jokor and a jacket and a coat to make him a normal joker. Why didnt inart add them if they put the arms for the normal hands? Its annoying because you cant buy the jacket and the coat alone. You have to buy them all together 🙁

For the head I know its not the same quality but who makes a good custom other then yuan and black but much cheaper like $400 maximum? 😆