Super Freak
Thanks for the kind words, guys. Means a lot.
Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2
They're well deserved. Most excellent work on him. (Now I have to readdress my Indy figure.)
Thanks for the kind words, guys. Means a lot.
Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2
Thanks for the heads up on the simple but excellent mod , Cavlcade.
Thanks for the heads up on the simple but excellent mod , Cavlcade.
What did you do Fiend? Just dip them in boiling water and bend them back and forth?
They look fantastic. Definitely doing this tonight.
Holy crap!! Those look GREAT!!
They worked really well. Did you weather them up too?
What did you do Fiend? Just dip them in boiling water and bend them back and forth?
They look fantastic. Definitely doing this tonight.
Yup, that's HT. Here's the steps I took.
1. Cut out the lining. Just this does wonders for the overall look of the jacket. The lining really is unnecessary imo.
2. Went over it lightly, and I mean lightly, with sandpaper just to get rid of the gloss the stock jacket has.
3. Went over it lightly in small areas with acrylics to show wear.
4. After that I put it on the body and rolled the sleeves up as high as I could get them and left them that way for a few hours to get those wrinkles in the arms.
5. Finally I dusted the jacket a bit and put a paperclip in the collar.
6. Futz.
It actually looks better than it appears but I need really good lighting with my camera. I'll try to get a better shot of it later.
Thanks, Flosi. You should give it a go. It's simple and very effective.
Nope, I just did what you told me but I kept them in a bit longer than you did. I used straight up boiling water too. The outer coat on the boots will come off just a little, an extra little effect that looks good. In hand they looks great too. They genuinely looksworn.
Thank you.![]()
Gotta love how even with a figure that is a couple years old we can all get excited about new innovations![]()
beets??? the root vegetable??? whot????